The only other witness to this event is refusing to testify.
I think he stated everything he could possibly say on the subject. Why go and get harassed and attacked at that political circus. If I were him I would do the same thing.
Optics my friend. Why give the other side ammunition. It’s the look that drives the country not facts.
or the democrats are ruthlessly lying and will stop at nothing to get what they want no matter who they hurt. The democratic party has been taken over by communist radicals that have no shame. The republican party has been taken over by wimps and idiots. Trump is too old and has been crooked since he started in business and doesn't know any other way. Basically our government is a bunch of money hungry liars that don't care . I will not vote for an incumbent either way.
Fuck optics. He's a private citizen. He has no responsibility to help out anyone other than himself and protect his family. This entire thing is government out of control. There's no way in hell I would participate in it.
What if he does? It won't make a difference. The accusation is out there and it doesn't matter if Kav and his friend say it didn't happen. They can't 'prove' it didn't happen so that makes the accusation sticky. Remember this is the party of the Rev Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. What really happened doesn't mean anything.
And of course, if he testifies, he'll need to hire an attorney because it's the smart thing to do. Why should he have to incur financial burden, a public exposure of his life, put his family at risk.....because somebody put his name out there 35 years later.
Or only that @LaSalleAve tge liberals are totally trashing him hurling every innuendo they can. They have done their best to destroy his life....sort of what they accuse Republicans of doing but have perfected themselves. Remember the term Borking?