yep, I love these guys, but someone's got to break up the republican circle jerk, that is free speech alley.
so your here just to stir it up because it is a conservative forum. Just want to be clear. Cause I wont bother if you don't believe what your posting. I say it like I see it. I resigned from the Republican Party like I said neither party represents me. To put it simple I want what is best for America. This may sound like simple view of things but I believe the words Honor, Loyalty, Character, and being the kind of friend that is there in the good and bad times. I am not perfect and I will admit if I think I made a mistake or wrong. I have apologized many times in my life. To see what both of these peoples families are going through makes me sick. But I believe if you bring up these kind of allegations you must be looked at just like the accused. I see holes in both of their stories but the media and Democrats only see it 1 way. If we are a people that depends on our politicians to represent us then both sides need to do the right thing. How can that be if all Republicans and all Democrats vote strictly by party lines. I bring back the golden rule. Treat others as they would treat you. Is there anyone of us that could come out of this kind of scrutiny and look worthy.
Man I thought you were coming around. I know you don't care but I could at least respect you if you had the stones to admit you just don't like him because you are scared of the way he will rule and that you really aren't dumb enough to believe any of this assault garbage. The same goes for all these nitwit democRATS. This is the spoils of winning an election. The left should have considered this long ago. I assure you that if Ginsberg doesn't die or retire then Thomas will to ensure the left won't gain control of the court. God Bless America
Not true. The Republicans have historically given Democrat presidents wide leeway in their nominations. A majority voted for Kahan and Sotomayor (who seems barely qualified). Yes they held up Garland but never have they slandered nominees like democrats. Remember the term Borking?
Isn’t that basically what I just said? I don’t like Bart for a myriad of reasons, one of which is not allegations from 40 years ago. Do I think he did it? Yes, but I don’t think it can be proved. I thought you guys, you staunch conservatives, you even said the other day I hate the constitution or something like that, you should really read up on Kavanaugh and his admiration for executive power, unless it’s a Clinton of course. You’ve been warned.
I don’t see it like that. The way I see it, if Bart was a D this same shit would be going on it would just be coming from the other side. I see democrats using a victim as a weapon and I see Republicans who could give a fuck less if he actually raped her as long as it furthers their political agenda, fuck it. What this board should say, is fuck em all. Repubs and Democrats. But way too often it’s only Fuck D’s and their libtard snowflake agenda blah blah blah blah blah. You know if you’re looking for someone to agree with you all the time, by all means hit that ignore button.
Yeah they really supported Kagan didn’t they.
right, nothing partisan or shitty about, "holding up Garland",.. the repubs are always just as fair, as the sky is blue.