That lifelong best friend that Ford allegedly helped with the polygraph exam? Monica Lee McLean. "Ms. Monica Lee McLean (DOB 03-15-66), reveals an almost guaranteed likelihood the polygraph assistance had something to do with the career path Ms. McLean would take. Monica Lee McLean was admitted to the California Bar in 1992, the same year Ms Ford’s boyfriend stated he began a six-year relationship with her best friend. The address for the current inactive California Law License is now listed as *”Rehoboth Beach, DE”. [*Note* remember this, it becomes more relevant later.] According to her LinkedIn background, Ms. Monica Lee McLean, was a 24-year employee of the Department of Justice and FBI from 1992 to 2016. According to public records Ms. McLean worked in both Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY. In a 2000 Los Angeles FBI declaration Ms. McLean describes herself as a Special Agent of the FBI, Associate Division Counsel, in the Los Angeles Division Legal Unit: Sometime between 2000 and 2003, Ms. Monica L McLean transferred to the Southern District of New York (SDNY), FBI New York Field Office; where she shows up on various reports, including media reports, as a spokesperson for the FBI. There was a family death in 2003, and Monica McLean then shows up with an address listed in Washington DC in 2003; so it would appear Ms. McLean spent about 10 years in California, and then returned to the east-coast. According to her LinkedIn profile, Ms. McLean retired from the FBI in 2016, after 24 years of work. [*It should be noted that Ms. McLean’s PIO partner in New York, Jim Margolin, is still currently employed there; and coincidentally attached to the case against President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen. they have known each other since their High School days at Holton-Arms; and both lived together as “roommates” in California after college" So Ford's bff since high school also lived with her in CA after college and has never married. I'm saying it now....lezbo FBI agent and Ford is bisexual.
Maybe, I don't know. I tend to think that fake sexual abuse allegations are a solid uniter unless you have actual stake in the game. I find the left to be far more hypocritical simply by comparing their reactions to Bill Clinton's escapades. There were several WOMEN who accused him of actual rape and assault to which he admitted at least one and tried to suppress the other and yet the left was all about Bill, including his female supporters! Where was all the metoo bullshit back then?
Let’s not act like anyone gave a fuck other than the fact a Clinton was involved. And you’re the exception to the rule, so I wasn’t describing you. I think you’re wrong about Kavanaugh, the sexual shit isn’t what frightens me. I’ve seen plenty of elitist douchebag borderline rapey fucks vault their way to success because of who their parents were and their last name or who they greased elbows with. But let’s not pretend if Brett Kavanaugh was a democrat 99 percent of the people here would be talking about how great a witness Ford was and how Kavanaugh will drive the liberal train hell bent on destroying America. Sometimes I can’t tell if this board is a message board or a bunch of proposals for the tile of Ann Coulter’s new book. As far as Kavanaugh it doesn’t bother you that he tends to really side with executive power almost every time, unless it’s a Clinton. By the way, I’ve seen you trash both sides, there are a lot of people here who only trash 1 and only believe that the only thing wrong with their team is they aren’t bat shit enough.
I still like Bill,.. my cousin Heather played "Trivial pursuit", with President Clinton and Chelsea aboard Air Force One,.. she said, he knew absolutely everything and insisted on reading all the question. I have a photo of the President visiting Heather in her office, wishing her happy birthday,.. as she looks at him, the expression on her face is so adoring, it's a little embarrassing.
When she was an intern, protocol, she was told never to speak to the President, not even good morning, and don't ever look him in the eyes. One time, she and another intern didn't have their executive office building pass, they stood outside and talked about it,.. "let's just go in, you take the bullet, and I'll go get the files."
No offense but all you do is defend the left from what I see. Maybe I missed the impartiality. Where were the White House videos of the Presidents Office under Clinton where he didn't realize getting a blowjob in the Oval office was a sexual event. Where were you then? What was your opinion VBALL brought up a great point on all the liberals were so quick to forgive Mr Clinton in his sexual misconduct which is a disgrace any way you put it. If he had been in the Private sector he would have been fired immediately . you seem to have the market cornered on Holier than though .I guess just you have the moral compass this country needs. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back. I have been so wasted in my life 1 time I passed out at a bachelor party for one of my friends. I have drunk my share of beer but I never ever forgot what I did except the one time I mentioned and I had people there that made sure I was ok and the people around me were. I didn't drive and slept it off on the floor. It doesn't make me a rapist or sexual deviant to molest people. I just had too much tequila. And I am the farthest thing from an alcoholic you will ever meet. If I had done something that night to someone then it hopefully would have been reported to law enforcement and I would have dealt with what I would have done with no defense and no excuses. As a matter of fact I had one of my friends do something that got me slapped by a girl and I didn't even know what happened. We were in a bar that was really crowded and my friend squeezed a girls privates and kept walking. As I was behind him she thought it was me and I didn't see him do it. She slapped the crap out of me and I asked her why she had done that. I didn't do anything to you. When I got up to my friend ihe thought it was funny and told me what he had done. I grabbed him and told him if he ever did anything like that again I would beat the crap out of him myself. I was furious. I wasn't brought up that way and didn't think it was funny at all. If Kavanaugh did what Ford said he doesn't deserve to be on the Supreme Court. Now it is about his drinking. Well miss ford was drinking too but her memory has to be correct.Right She was 15 years old. How about the morality of her and exposing herself to a house with no adults where drinking was happening. Couldn't her memory be effected by her alcohol consumption.
I fucking hate the Clintons. I can’t stand Obama, but I don’t make shit up just because I don’t like them. And if I hear a bunch of bullshit I’m gonna call it what it is. I voted for Gary Johnson for President in the last election, I refused to be a part of either of those 2 worthless human beings campaigns or voting for either and I’m pretty proud of that. You may see a lot of liberal stuff from me but half the time it’s because I’m fucking bored and this board is like 99.9 percent Republican. Gotta have some diversity, albeit it’s not that much.
You just like to argue. Comrade @red55 once said he was on other forums where the sentiment is predominately liberal and on those he took the conservative side of the argument.