All your points are valid but if the fbi points them out the left will say it is just victim blaming. So you can't win. The left is just better at this dirty shit than the right is.
After Kavanaugh is confirmed, I want to see a full on FBI investigation into: 1) Fienkenstien’s handling of the letter from Ford. 2) what influence Soros had and the involvement with the Lawyer Katz with all three accusations 3) the two Gofundme pages and if any of the donations originated from Soros or the DNC orgs. 4) a complete investigation into Ford herself, and a recovery of her Social Media 5) any conspiratorial communication between DNC and the liberal PACs known as CNN, NBC, etc I want to see these lying sacks of poo brought down to the ground.
That is absolutely false. You read what you wanna read. It sticks out here because I’m like of maybe 4 people here who aren’t so far to the right they need binoculars to see the right fielder.
The kicker is apparently all that time they were trying to get her to testify last Monday, she was "afraid to fly" and was not able to come from California, she was in Delaware hiding out. They offered to go to California to meet with her - she rejected that - because she wasn't there. She also jetted around the world but was afraid to fly. And now we are supposed to believe she remembers everything 100% correctly? I did think something happened to her but now knowing she coached someone on how to pass a polygraph and some of this other stuff, I am starting to wonder. I do not believe it was Kavanaugh if something did happen. Been awol as I was at Disneyworld last week. Still trying to catch up