Nah, but it does help me understand why Trump is liked so much. Seems like y’all are confused with someone that talks loud and someone that actually does shit, because without Bitch McConnell there is no telling where the Republican Party would be. That dude is like Mariano Rivera to the GOP. But it’s a troll everyone wants. Someone to just piss the other team off. Hell thats even been eluded to here. Yale classmate says Kavanaugh has "not told the truth" about his drinking And here we go the issue will now navigate away from the nonevent with Ford and will now move to he abuses alcohol.
If it wasn’t for McConnell Merrick Garland would on the SC and we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.
But......when it was Clinton being impeached. How did you guys put it? It wasn’t because he got a blow job or because he was a Clinton, it’s because he lied about it under oath. Is that correct? So if Kavanaugh lied under oath about how much alcohol he consumed or consumes, that lie is ok? Sex lie no good, alcohol lie, eh as long as I like the guy why not? Personally I don’t give a shit how much this douche drank. And why should he? Why lie about it?
it was the first time he stood up to obama, and i really thought he was going to cave then also. But i do find it interesting that you admit the only reason we are having the current discussion is becasue of merrick garland...
Maybe he was too shitfaced to remember how shitfaced he was in college. No crime to be plastered? I would think someone that was so brazen and so demonstrative would have said, I got tore up in college and you know what? So does everyone else. Sue me.
I dont know why he did or if he did lie about it. again how would you prove that he lied under sure he can find just as many character witnesses that say he didnt as the democrats say he did. Then what on to the next manufactured scandal. it was the whole reason the democrats wanted an investigation so they could try to find any reason what so ever to keep him off the bench. The democrats used Mrs Ford like a $2 whore but you are ok with that.