Something I haven't seen questioned regarding Ford's testimony.....someone asked her why she thinks none of the witnesses she named remember anything, and she answered,"Nothing unusual happened to them that night." That's a reasonable answer. But we also know someone drove her home. I think its reasonable to assume that when she escaped the attack, she immediately left the party. I think its also reasonable to assume she was visibly upset, that she would have asked someone she knew well and trusted to drive her home. I would bet that - for that person - it was an unusual, dare I say? - memorable night. Anyone else find it strange that person hasn't come forward?
A couple thoughts.....IIRC, she lived some 7 miles from this alleged party so one would have to wonder how she not only got home, but how she got TO the party. She has said that of the other people at the party, one of them was "lifelong" friend, Leyland Keyser but she did not confide in Keyser that night about what allegedly happened. As you say, one doesn't simply escape a rape attempt and appear normal or undisheveled. Wouldn't Keyser have noticed something amiss with her good friend? And yes, certainly, how did she get home? Another really effed up comment from Ford is her explanation as to why Keyser has said that she didn't recall being at that party or having ever met Kavanaugh. According to Ford, "Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself." Really? Ford herself has numerous psychological issues, admitted to consuming alcohol that night, but throws her alleged lifelong friend under the bus by claiming SHE has health challenges? Vile. Oh, and I'd REALLY like to see those scrubbed yearbooks. Me thinks that Blasey Ford would be viewed quite differently if people saw the spoiled white privilege that went on and how she benefited from it.
You know, reading that, it dawned on me that ESCAPING it would make her even MORE likely to say something. It's not the same as actually being raped, I'd tend to think.
I’d like to ask her when she met Kavanaugh. She noted that a person she refuses to name introduced her to Kav and Judge. Just when did that happen Dr. Ford? Was it way before the party? At the Party? After the Party? I just wonder, how many times I have introduced someone by both their first and last name in a casual situation. ... the answer is NEVER. The intro was more likely, ...hey, this is Brett and Matt .... if it happened at all. This would have been especially relevant if she had just met him at the party. Heck, I have a hard enough time remembering a persons first name on first meeting, let alone their entire resume.
I think it's a frightening prospect if a person's high school actions can come up nearly 40 years later. The human brain isn't even fully developed until the mid 20's. Furthermore, I don't think the standards for sexual assault were the same in the early 80's as they are now. I am not even sure how people are going to date in the future.