If you read the statement on the "new" investigation it clearly states the FBI will look into "current" and "credible" allegations. I dont know how this last more than 3-4 days. I know i know, porn lawyer has the rap bus coming out, however he will have to put-up or shut-up. FBI can literally take what they want. Further, if this does last long, I suspect we find foul play on the Dem side.
Lawyer to porn stars the fat ass in the White House fucked raw dog right after his wife had their child and had to pay hush money too. That’s always conveniently left out for some reason.
Lassale .... all u need to do is find a blue dress with a little DNA on it, ..... and .... really you still got nothing. Consenting adults and all. The payoff was to protect his marriage .... judicial precedent.
You would have if Trump was a democrat, hell your team tried to impeach a president for getting a consensual blow job by a staffer in the White House. Hmmm, who worked for Ken Starr on that investigation by the way? Karma?
Keep telling yourself that. I didn’t care Bill got a hummer. Why is the DNC chair still employed? He assuakted and attacked a woman both sexually and physically? Why don’t the dems care?