The problem I have is that when “The Resistance” states they will do anything to stop Trump, unleashing these accusations falls under the “anything” umbrella. I think something happened, but neither’s memory is perfect.
Except for that part where the 3 people she said were there all say they don't know what the fuck she is talking about. That my friend is a gaping hole in her story. Sorry Charlie, this one stinks
I don't get it. 65 women vouching for the guy is significant. And without any corroboration and gaping holes i don't see how this could stop him from being approved. God help us if it does.
I just saw a 2 minute clip. So she's a jet setter that's flown all over the world (Hawaii, French Polynesia, etc...) and also claimed she couldn't come to D.C. for fear of flying? (But support helped her get on the plane) In that 2 minute clip she struck me as deceitful. I don't trust her. Should i duplicate this post in "When bitches lie"?
i would say that it is almost guarranteed that he wont get a vote tomorrow. And if thats true then the longer this strechtes out the more likely he wont get on the court. Id say right now its 60/40 that he wont be a SC justice
If so I think a furious GOP base will vote in record numbers and secure Congress. Then my girl Amy Coney Barrett will stroll in.
The judge is coming off very credible to me. He is very angry that his name has been shit on. His reactions and words are very similar to what I would say, minus the plethora of f bombs.