Years ago Christine Blasey Ford shoved her hand in my bathing suit, grabbed my penis and said "You must me a grower, not a shower?". I told her i had just got out the water and it was freezing. I was so humiliated. I can't hide this any longer, i'm contacting Senator Chuck Grassley.
For shits and giggles I stopped on the Rachel Madcow show for a minute. There were neither shits nor giggles. What a hideous creature and holy fuck a wildman is she miserable. I fully expected her to drag a rusty blade right across her jugular (clearly prominent btw) at any moment. That would have gotten a chuckle for sure. But seriously, what a wretched bitch.
Ford posing for a picture with Soros. Let me say, I have no clue when this was taken, how old the pic is, if it actually happened, etc. Just find it funny, if true, that she’s a liberal activist and Soros “friend” and she comes out with a tale of attempted rape 30’some yrs after the fact, all because he has been nominated for SCOTUS.
Her story is so full of holes noone would take it seriously But that doesn't matter. Already heard that marcowski is wavering. Then it will be Collins and then its over for judge. The democrats outplayed the republicans on this one. Just goes to show you how shitty both sides are. The democrats have no morals and the republicans have no spine.
She keeps demanding an FBI investigation .... I agree ... into whether or not she has received any grant or funding from Soros. .... and if she wore her famous red swimsuit to her last meeting with him.
So let me get this straight. Supposedly Kavanaugh tries and accomplishes raping women, flashes his penis at women, Bill Cosbys them and then organizes gang bang rapes. Oh, and he's also a violent drunk, attacking little girls. Any guesses on what possibly could be next?