Oh yes you decide to adopt the Democrats bullshit position. I’ll give you Trump is a predator...not because of Stormy. However there is significant doubt as to what happened between Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill and sorry but it seems Fords story if falling apart. I’ll also raise you Bill Clinton, Anthony Wiener, Barney Frank among many. Then there was that paragon of righteousness Elliott Spitzer who flew hookers to visit him. Lest you say they’re old news Robert Menendez D-NJ took minors in the Dominican Republic , a story not disputed yet is sitting in the senate. The hypocrisy of the Democrats is beyond disgusting.
One more thing @LaSalleAve who outed both Anita Hill and Blasy? Neither one wanted to come public and when the SCOTUS votes were sure a DEMOCRAT leaked their names. That’s is abuse of as high an order and much more certain. The Democrats ruined those two women’s lives more than anything. How do you square that sport?
I don’t think the democrats are clean on this, and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn this whole thing is a fabrication, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if this was found to be true. And if it were found to be true, it wouldn’t matter because republicans care more about winning and pushing their reckless and detrimental agenda at all costs than they do about morals and decency. Now bring up abortion and baby killers and all that shit, but let’s not act like when a Republican drops his load in a mistress that the ole abortion clinic isn’t the first call. I’m sick of both sides. I think we should run the whole fucking lot of them out. Fuck every single one of them. Fuck Trump, Pence, that entire administration, fuck Pelosi and Feinstein, fuck Corey Booker and mother fuck Chuck Grassley that old fucking coot. Fuck Kavanaugh and Kagan and Super fuck Alito. Fuck Roy Moore and the dude that beat him, fuck em all. The only politician I have seen recently that I like is the dude running against that fake ass Texan Ted Cruz oh and fuck Ted Cruz too, I bet both of his daughters have a Beto poster on their walls.
Why does he get the Super fuck? You mean Robert Francis O'Rourke? He follows the Democrat Party line on his positions. You know the other side you want fucked.
You know LaSalle I like that you’re a contrarian and not afraid to speak your mind. Also to some degree you’re right, a pox on both their houses as both sides are pretty corrupt. However even though both sides have issues that’s no excuse to lump them together. There are still differences that are important. I’m troubled that you don’t bother to weigh evidence and place equal weight on every accusation. That is a childish attitude. While there are always reservations I think so far the so called evidence against Kavanaugh is vacuous almost to a fault. To assume he is a rapist (as he’s been called) or even a sexual predator is jumping to a conclusion that has no basis. To lump him in with Trump, Roy Moore, Keith Ellison and Robert Mennendez is slanderous and you should be ashamed to do so. Show some discretion and judgement. Don’t just speak out for effect as it diminishes the valid points you often make.
On social issues yes he does and I am aligned with those beliefs. He also isn’t a dick head douchebag. That’s rare in politics today. On Alito, Super fuck him because of his stance on Citizens United and Dark pac money. He is for government to the highest bidder.