Yep, that's the next step. When AI figures out that the biggest threat on the planet is the virus known as humans and systematically begins to neutralize us all.
I already have aliens as small as viruses living on my brain telling me stuff. Welcome to my world. Lol
Yea. This was developed 10 years ago. Maybe a bit less. I remember bein a young grunt in the AF learning about tail numbers. They use the year the plane was built as part of the numbers. At Tyndall I saw an F-22 with a 1990 tail flash. An operational one. You know they were working on that in the 70s. Airforce claims 1981. Yea, ok.
Did anyone hear about the AI that Facebook shut down. Apparently, it built other AIs and created an undecipherable language of it's own to communicate with them. Weird shit. The article mentions that there's no sentient AI yet, but that's not true. There's an AI robot called 'Sophia' that is self aware and was even granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia; which is ironic because it appears to be a female robot, but she probably has more rights than human women living in that country.