What it means is the earth, the solar system and the universe has a rythm. The Vostok Ice Cores are combined data from scientist from Russia, France and the USA gathered in 1998 at Vostok Ice Station in East Antarctica Russia. Each country took the cores and independently evaluated the data. The graphs are the results of that study combining all the countries independent results. Look at the graphs and tell me it doesn't look a rythmical heatbeat. At the end of the day we have zero effect on the earths climate.
Real science has now discovered the reason for Greenland ice loss and it's not global warming. https://phys.org/news/2018-01-machi...neath-greenland.amp?__twitter_impression=true
You are right Dee. Go look at my reply to a CO2 tiger on page 4 of this thread. The Vostok Ice Core graphs will tell you all you need to know about how the earth has naturally warmed and cooled over a 450,000 year sample.
There is this very large yellow/orange object in the sky called the SUN you may have noticed it from time to time. You see it fluctuates these cycles are called maunder minimums and maunder maximums. You also may have noticed it's hotter when the sun is visible and not so hot at night or when obscured by cloud cover. You see the sun has the greatest effect on earths past, present and future temperatures. Then there is the orbit of the earth which is not static it fluctuates. Then there is the rotation of the earth which also fluctuates. All of these 3 dynamics have cycles ranging from very short to medium to very very long. One burp by the sun and we are all toast. Lastly there are some earthly dynamics such as volcanos that play a part. Man's effect is immeasurable. To actually think WE can decide what the climate on earth should be and the arrogance to think that WE can control those dynamics I mentioned above is foolish and dangerous. What's dangerous about that belief is if one thinks he has God like powers one starts to think as a God and when one like that gets elected to high authority this is when we wind up with emperors, kings, despots and dictators. The global warming/climate change movement is not at all about stopping warming or to control the naturally changing climate but rather about centralized world power, control of natraul resources and mostly about socialism and talking money from one citizen and giving it to another. Long but you asked. Now my question; Why did the global warming/climate change crowd change from global warming to climate change?
Weatherless Channel going crazy. 15 stories about global warming since the cold snap. Of course global warming causes global cooling dont you know.
Folks the Weather Channel is losing it, seriously people. They are tripleing down on climate change this latest record setting cold weather has got them hyperventilating that they can't keep this fraud going. https://weather.com