Didn't say it was. However wind power is subsidized uses vast amounts of land to produces very little power In return. Spain's wind power experiment failed. California is a microcosm of what happens when the left is in charge but ironically a shinning example of a representative republic. I applaud Cali for doing their thing but it will fail. It will be fun to watch the clashing of the environmentalist as once pristine views they love so much will be cluttered up with miles and miles of wind turbines. It will be fun to watch the bird loving leftist struggle with watching their beloved birds get wacked by turbine blades and fried by heat from solar farms who by the way also needs vast amounts of land to be productive. Ethanol is another subsidized waste and also needs vast amounts of land to be marginally productive. Let Cali grow corn to put in gas tanks instead of helping to feed the hungry. The irony of the whole sustainable energy movement is it is based on a false narrative of dreaded CO2. CO2 is an oderless, tasteless invisible gas that sustains life on earth and ironically the more the better. My whole thought process when its comes to what Cali does is basically whatever they do I want just the opposite. Yeah I want to folliw the example of a state that protects criminals, tried to ban gas powered lawn mowers, tried to ban outdoor BBQing, outdoor campfires, bans motor boats on Lake Tahoe and on and on and on. What all this rambling above boils down to is I have no problem with you and whomever getting energy from all forms. However the left really really I mean really want to deny me and the whole country the use of fossil fuels. They left claims they are all for free choice however they are really not for my free choices. Lets follow the advice of rulers of Cali. https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featur...-there-are-so-many-stupid-laws-in-california/ https://www.dailywire.com/news/25213/six-insane-california-laws-go-effect-monday-jared-sichel https://www.laweekly.com/news/10-st...-trying-to-slam-through-at-final-hour-2391337 Well besides around Christmas time wind turbines are dangerous
They are always wrong. Global warming global cooling doesn't matter. http://www.climatedepot.com/2018/09/28/flashback-1973-glaciers-to-cover-long-island/