The literal shit show that was the Clinton/Obama EPA
Proof that Stevie Wonder not only cannot see but also has selective hearing. Too bad I have always liked him. Yes folks global warming is responsible for Aretha's cancer.
A little tidbit about the dreaded CO2
Yet more proof that the fraudulent global warming/climate change movement is really about destroying capitalism (America) and not really about our climate.
Those idiots have no understanding of capitalism. Anytime there is a major shift like this there is a a cost. Capitalism is what reduces and realizes the costs to make the product efficient to produce and sell. Socialism or any other command economy is not capable of adapting.....see Russia, Cuba, Venezuela or even England before Thatcher broke the unions and Labor. If there is climate change that will threaten us and when there are these significant changes in economic models ONLY capitalism can adapt and improve to meet our needs.
Yet one more reason I back trump
This is an interesting take for you @Kikicaca and @GiantDuckFan. This article posits that the current carbon emissions are what are keeping us from a major ice age. Sort of bites both sides’ position on the ass.
I don't have a stance on this,.. I've merely pointed out that the world's governments unanimously agreed that kiki is wrong about global climate change. My own admittedly ignorant opinion is,.. there are just way too many variables,.. and too much real evidence has been destroyed by the passage of time, in my mind that invalidates all of the computer models. It's all speculation really, nobody knows one way or the other, not me, not Moe, no one.