I am sorry but the democrats and the left are freaking insane! http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2018/05/21/bill-nye-taxing-cow-farts-a-fantastic-thing-f3or-the-world/ Keep voting democrat!
Oh, great! Now I can look forward to paying more for everything because ranchers can't keep their cows from farting. Couldn't they just mix some Beano in with the cow food?
Now we know why libtard leftist like the word "green energy" https://www.thelibertyconservative....al-warming-industry-tops-82-billion-for-2018/
The left (democrats) just keep defecating in their on nest. Trump overturned that draconian ridiculous Obama era sponsored law that enviromentalist could sue people and companies if they ACCIDENTALLY KILL AN EAGLE. YES ACCIDENTALLY! Guess what folks I am hearing through the grapevine that farmers and ranchers especially in the west were secretly killing the eagles that nest on their property to avoid lawsuits just in case they ACCIDENTALLY killed one and I dont freaking blame them. So in their infinate wisdom theses libtard democrats are the eagles worst enemy. Keep voting democrat http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/24/environmentalists-sue-trump-accidentally-kill-eagle/
If you want to get their attention,.. type it like this, @Winston1 or @Tiger in NC or @HalloweenRun an email will be sent to them, and an alert will pop up on their forum page,.. you don't know this already?
Yo @Winston1 yo @Tiger in NC yo @HalloweenRun come join me in the global warming hut. Gonna get hot in here.