With all of the talent in your state, it would appear that you just got lucky recently. Otherwise, you might have more MNC's. Perhaps you have found the formula that Alabama knew for the past 80 years.
Indeed. Luck plays a giant part. Fortunately, Les is the luckiest coach in college football. And Nick ain't far behind.
There is nothing recent about it. LSU ranks in the top-10 all time football programs. Team All-Time Rankings
:geaux: At least all the MNC's we have are legit. We don't claim ones that were awarded by Publishers Clearinghouse or Readers Digest like 'Bama does. :LSU231:
I've been looking for the intangible that will mean the difference in this game. I think it's "mindset". Bama will play solid, disciplined football because the players are afraid of Saban. LSU will play solid, disciplined, wild ass crazy fun football because they love Les and would go to war for and with him. Advantage Tigers.
This sums up a large % of the Bear ain't dead Bama bunch. Bama got it rolling and rolled and rolled. Now that Saban is on site they are sure that roll will start again. NOT Bama has a problem and he wears his Hat in Baton Rouge. This is the year that the roll stops and starts like last year in Baton Rouge. You guys like LSU for many years in the 60s and 70s get to be the 2nd best team in the SEC. Deal with it Bama just deal with it
sorry Red that didn't work right I was supporting what you had said to a post. I had your back so I should have quoted the post you responded to. Awesome thread and Tappy you are a cool Bama fan. It is going to be a War one more time and it will be what makes college football the thing we all love. I am just so sorry that many Bama fans will have to watch the 4th quarter! LSU!:LSU231::LSU231::LSU231:LSU!
LOL good point! Neither team has really played a close game, where the fourth quarter had us on the edge of our seats. This one will be different. College football is the best and worst. Alabama and LSU are the two best teams in CF and in my opinion, they are forced to play for the national championship in the first week of November. It is great that we can have a regular season game worth so much, but its sad that one team will be completely out of national title contention after one loss against a great team. What if both teams play an unbelievable game and it comes down to one lucky bounce or call? That is a tough pill to swallow. The current system makes for awesome regular season games, but it's depressing how a team can lose everything in this one game. JMO
There is a reason I said 80 years, and not 50. Alabama established their winning tradition in the mid 1920's. Bear Bryant didn't start it, he just continued it. Bama doesn't have a "problem" that wears his hat in BR, we just have a rival coach, a good one I'll admit, but just a rival coach. I'll "deal with it" when/if it happens.