I'm glad you backtracked to clear up your theory on "great coaches", cause I actually agree with most of this post. It makes a lot more sense than judgnig a coach on one bad loss every 2.5 years.
I would call it adding clarity, not backtracking - again semantics. But it's a good discussion and it’s good we found common ground. And I don't judge Saban or any coach, on 4 games. Those are just examples of why I disagree with the wildly held theory that he's head and shoulders above everyone else in his profession. I would say instead that he is in that top group of usual suspects of top coaches - but not above them.
I'll put it this way; I wouldn't want any other coach in the country. And I think a lot of fans around the country would agree. I believe Les Miles is the second best in the country. That is what makes this game even better. The fact that there is a bye week will either add or take away from each coach's legend. A lot of people hate on Les for using "trick plays". To me, there is no such thing. Offenses and defenses are constantly trying to trick each other, so the fact that he does it on fourth down or in big situations doesn't change anything. Is a play-action-pass a trick play? A fake blitz? A defensive line stunt? The whole game is about trickery. I respect how his creative plays usually work due to good timing and preparation.
Sorry, you only get to speak for yourself. No fan from any successful school would trade his coach. We certainly wouldn't. Les outperformed Nicks fine record at LSU.
I never said they were better... I said they were just as good. I realize that this is going to be the toughest test we will face all season, and I am anxious to see how or offense responds. We have a very balanced attack, and becoming one dimensions isn't an option.
No matter how much you'd hate to admit it, Saban leaving the program in good shape didn't hurt CLM's chances of establishing a fine record at LSU. You should be proud of your coach. He is solid. But I'd take Saban.
You are absolutely right! I don't think you'll see either of these teams go one dimensional, regardless of the success each strategy is seeing. Both Bama and LSU are going to pound pound pound. They have to in order to keep the pass options open. Bama has to setup the screen to T.R., or some mid level passes to their receivers. LSU has to setup the deep pass threat to RR, and the Speed game on the outside. Keeping the poer run drumbeat going is important in that regard. That is one of the reason's Bama has crushed a lot of teams ... Penn State, AR, FL, .. .all of these teams went one dimensional .. simply because they don't have strong power run games. LSU and Bama are proof positive ... that OLD TIME power run > than modern flashy, high speed, spread.
Absolutely. Listening to call in radio shows is interesting. An Alabama fan calls in and says, "something something Alabama will something something something." LSU fan calls in and says, "something something LSU will something something something." In almost every case, you can just swap LSU and Alabama and it will still apply.