well, I try to send a PM everytime..... but most deleted post don't need an explanation (for obvious reasons), but in this case some do.
Not sure if this was the one that you were talking about, but I deleted the thread (by deleting the first message) that I started about the new legal download services the other night (or morning) that Martin and I were going back and forth on. I was half asleep, and we went so far off topic (new services) that I was going copy a few things to restart it but more on what I had really started out trying to get opinions on before everyone the following day jumped on either mine or Martin's posts and forgot original post. Being half a sleep I did not realize until after I clicked yes for delete that it may have been better to just start a totally new thread and have kept the old one with the other's messages. I ended up not saving, copying, or even starting a new one before I just fell asleep on my couch.
Check again, BengalB.... BengalB - You & I have been ALL OVER JeTiger on this... ...they just moved the thread... http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13551 ...here's another good one from JeTiger... http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13829 ...and the last... http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13576 ...I think I put my two cents worth in...
While every moderator is free to contact members with an explanation as to why a post or thread was deleted, it isn't mandatory. I personally have very little time as it is and deleting/moving posts takes up enough of it without having to explain to each and every person why their post was deleted. If time and circumstances allow I always try but it's the exception and not the rule. If I see a pattern developing from a member I will let them know. Sometimes posts get caught up in a deleted thread or any number of other reasons. If a post gets deleted try and think about why it may have been deleted and move on. It's nothing personal. It would help us out greatly if everyone would review the User Agreement and not post things that require editing or deletion. Thanks.