Although many of us strongly disagree on many issues I bet most of us would get along just fine in a social setting. I'm also sure that many that I disagree with are good people that I would like and get along with. Hell I wouldn't even mind drinking a beer and hugging a tree with Red some time.:lol:
Wrong. If you have a choice of death by electrocution or by fire and those are your only two choices, that doesn't mean you support and want either one, it means you have no other choice. Not sure what logic you are trying to use to attach lack of choice to worshiping a candidate but it's not working.
Everyone had more than 2 choices. Most chose the 2 popular while the others stood by their principles..
I agree. I have met several from here and got along with all. Politics and Religion are more fun to debate with strangers. Maybe we can get SF and Red to drink a beer together. At least for the sake of World Peace! haha
I agree. I voted for Ron Paul even though he is a mega sell out and is full of crap. I like that he at least pretends ot have pinciples guiding him.
Fishing. Can't stand Obama, but not competent enough to make valid political points, so let's go for some first grade level "look he's not a real American!" bull crap. You can do a lot better than this. Or maybe you can't. I could be overestimating you.
And your vote counted just as much as those that stayed home and didn't vote. I think Ron Paul would have been a much better President than either of the two choices we had, but you really only had two choices. Since you knew when you pulled the lever that he had zero chance of winning he really wasn't a choice, he was just a chance to throw your vote away. It's like going to Burger King and seeing pizza on the menu. You ask the girl working the register if they sell pizza and she tells you no, you can order it but you can't have it. Same thing with voting for RP, you knew he had no chance so he really wasn't a choice, but he was on the menu.
respect for the flag and putting your hand on your chest and singingg the anthem and all this, all seems very stupid and primitive. i never do it. and i amk not military so i dont salute anything. all of that stuff is gay.