Some other firsts for America during his tenure: The first President to have a 747 Jumbo Jet flown into a bustling high rise building in downtown New York in a terrorist attack. The first President to have a 2nd Jumbo Jet flown into a bustling high rise buildings twin high rise counterpart in downtown NYC in a terrorist attack. The first President who dealt with a recession caused by Islamic terrorists who flew terrified Americans in Jumbo Jets into high rise downtown NYC buildigns filled with terrified Americans... The first President to wipe Colin Powell's arse in Iraq (If you don't know by now, Bush I and Cheney as Defense Secretary were thwarted from removing Hussein in Iraq back in '91 because of a fear of guerilla warfare by Powell, which would have rendered this entire war now meaningless, as well as the constant carping of monies and troops from foreign allies, since they were on our side in '91-as everyone in the world was, save for John Kerry and his vote against the '91 invasion.)... But, like I said...most importantly... The first President to have to wake up knowing that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists flew Domestic airliners into downtown NYC high rise buildings filled with people, killing thousands and shutting down a country, and gripping the world with fear. Lots of dubious firsts...Let me tell you...I mean, who COULDN'T have done better in front of 7 year olds as he tried to contain the bile in the back of his throat as he tried not to make the youngsters fearful around him. Who COULDN'T have led better during a time like no other in recorded modern history... I'm sure anyone but Bush could have done everything so much better... *Sighs*