Thanks. I assume being a "guyest" is good and hope that it's better than me being a "girlest"? :grin:
Hey Proud you can kiss my ass too!! :thumb: Seriously, I really enjoyed the post about your talk with TT. I would be interested to see if anything comes out from the coaches about the fan rivalry. Keep on posting here or I will post on your board that you are a closet LSU fan.... :rofl:
My typing seems to be getting worse and worse these days as I try to go faster due to limited time. I may have to hire a typist.!!!
What did we say to you I enjoy going to this forum everyday, because it is usually more interesting than ours, and also because I check out several different schools. I have only posted once, and only then, because I thought I had something to add. It was for the LSU fans, because I was tired of other schools putting them down and saying they were the worst fans anywhere. I went on line to state that when I have gone to LSU I was always treated great and had a good time. I was immediately attacked by Proud Tiger, because I stated some facts that Auburn had done while visiting LSU. He explained to me that was only 1% of their fan base.....most of it was not their fan base it was their Head Coach. I have not posted again, because I did not want to get into a contest with Proud Tiger, but every time he has a post he has to put down Bama. No one except another Auburn fan replies to these why should we go to another forum and argue with each other especially while you are telling everyone that rude fans only apply to 1% of your base. Auburn is our rival, and I enjoy this very much as I am sure that he does, but I don't constantly make fun of Auburn. I think that we should as fans show the same respect to each other as our players(Auburns and Bamas) do. If you notice at the end of each Iron Bowl, the players from both schools aways go out and shake hands and some kneel to pray. They know each other and respect the talent from each school. These are very young men and I just hope that I can always show the same maturity as an adult as they do.