Thanks. I' m not short, so I should be ok. I'm fairly sure the Arkansas ticket I just received will be next to the ramp.
Great thread from the northerners! Amazing what 870 WWL has done for folks around the country following So. La. sports. For a guy like me, I just thought it was cool to pull in the station on the way home from dinner on the Northshore or a visit to the grandparents on the MS Gulf Coast.
Threads like this remind me how lucky I am. I'm only a 20 minute drive from Death Valley. I go to at least a couple of games a year. In the 90s, I served 4 years active duty in the military and was unable to go to a single game during that time. First season- boot camp, second, third, and fourth- deployments (mostly overseas). I got out in '98 and moved back home. When I went to a game in Death Valley, I was so happy I damn near cried. A feeling that I will never be able to explain.
In a world with internet, satellite tv, cable, smart phones......hell ESPN, we're so spoiled. It's nice to think back to the old days (and i'm only 43), before we had any of that stuff. Receiving a radio signal from LSU up here in Pennsylvania seemed almost wonderous, especially to a young boy. We only got to see a couple of live games a week. Even Penn State games weren't televised. For a budding LSU fan, I was lucky to see the Tigers play once a year, and that would usually be in a bowl game, if LSU made it to one. In 1980, there were 15 bowl games. In 2011, there were 35. How things have changed...for better and worse.
The old "pick of Dixie" series especially on Saturday night saw me literally diving into the only social network for SEC football, the radio. John Forney of Alabama fame, could paint a picture so well that the next day during the playback of the coach Bryant show, I literally thought I was watching it for the second time. Are you listening Eli? You could tune into John Ward and hope the worst for the viles. John Furguson Of LSU, "another Alexander drive" was always a big night game to pick up, provided they weren't beating up Rice, again. Munson of Vandy and Georgia was worth the listen and I was there the night Walker made his opening debut against the vols. Now, those guys were good and plenty bias too, just the way I liked it.