Tell them Ducks to get their asses back to Lake Shasta for clean up. Damn. Just left this shit behind.... 90 tents....coolers....sleeping bags....garbage. Just, damn.
Shasta Lake mess too much of a biohazard for University of Oregon students to help A group of UO students and local residents had volunteered to help with the effort but were turned away by the forest service . .....The university and the national chapter of Lamda Chi Alpha are investigating the incident. The UO chapter of the organization has also been suspended.... Not hippies,.. Fraternity shitbirds. I love Shasta ,.. it's not that far from Klamath Falls.. ...but It's always been a too popular party lake
The Northwestern State women's 4 placed 2nd at ACRA, the team's first-ever medal at nationals. My son's 4-boat.....not good. 27th out of 30. As it turned out, one rower was unable to attend because he had to immediately leave after school to begin an internship, and a 2nd simply decided he didn't feel like going. Leaving Anthony and the other regular (they are the only 2 4-year rowers on the team, and were rowing in their last college event) to row with a pair of novices, one of who came up sick on Saturday. Not that they had any chance to win had they been full strength, but I think they could have done much better than they did. But it was an emotional weekend for my wife and I...we got so attached to the team over the years, especially the ones that started at the same time as Anthony. My wife really gets emotional at times like we were about 3 hours on the road yesterday and finally pulling ourselves together, and we suddenly get a text from the head coach praising our son and thanking us for always being there. I almost had to pull off the road, and my wife was practically a basket case after that. One more thing....GDF and I had made a little fun bet because Oregon was also entered in men's 4; loser was going to have to display the winner's logo in the avatar box for awhile. But they scratched for some reason.