My point is that it wont change regardless....the 1% is everywhere at every football game in the south. has been for as long as i can remember. probably always will be. To make it more of a problem than it is, is ridiculous. You know what to are you going to continue to go? And if you have been bad is it for your kids?
I also want to make something clear. I'm not talking about a group of college age LSU fans and another group of college age Auburn fans talking smack. I'm talking about the group of obnoxious college age kids that are running smack and harassing the nicely dressed older couple. The young rednecks shouting obscenities at the mom and dad with two kids just trying to attend a game. I've seen it at LSU and I've seen it at every other SEC school. It's got to stop.
nothing to do with my attitude. its just a numbers game. its impossible to stop it from happening. 120,000 or so people and it has to stop? it won't. it'd be nice if it was possible but its not realistic. if someone was yelling obscenities at my wife/kids, I'd casually intervene and stop it or casually move out of the line of fire depending which was more appropriate. I wouldnt expect anyone to do it for me nor would I go with naivity that there won't be some Mardi Gras behavior, either.
HA HA. I am sorry i had to share this, but the Emtpy Wiskey bottle story spreads like wildfire. Its so funny, bored as everyone can tell today by my posting here and on WEN I went to that bastion of Misery (What a miserable lot there) however in the baseball board there were some pretty cool aggies talking about Baton Rouge. At least level headed ones. Anyway I stumbled across this. See #3 I have been to Baton Rouge twice for football games...... Here is what happened to me when I was there: 1. My car was keyed 2. On more than one occasion, some students called my mother-in-law an Aggie btich 3. I had a friend who was hit in the head with an empty bourbon bottle 4. I lost track of the number of times I was flipped off by LSU fans passing me in my car 5. Some idiot took off my Aggie cap and threw it over a fence in the parking lot.... " COME ON GUYS COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW !!!!!!, How about the Elderly being attacked that one is pretty funny. Although I must give great kudos to one aggie fan on the thread about the best Po-Boy in Baton Rouge, someone spoke about a bar being closed to build the Community College. His response. "Let me get this straight... Louisiana closed down a bar in order to open a school? Someone in the Louisiana state government clearly doesn't have their priorities straight. Must be a carpetbagger." I have to admit THAT was pretty darn funny.
I don't buy my tickets to go to the game to please a Hog fan, Auburn fan or a Beaver fan. It does not bother me that they feel this way about Tiger fans. In fact the reason I posted this is because I find it Hilarious. Some of the things these Hogs are saying is about the funniest chit I've seen on here in a while. I'll bring my kids just as I went when I was a kid. You can stay out of trouble if you want. I do believe it is blown up a bit dramatically by these visitors. You get F***** with if your a visitor. Happens everywhere. Stay home and watch the TV if you can't handle it. sniff...sniff...sniff... With all the AU fans on this thread, sorta feels a little trailer-parkish in here :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Why don't they ask the elderly couple that we informed to eat at Pat's in Henderson instead of overrated Mulate's? We even told them what to eat. Also, we didn't scratch their car, cuss them out, insult them, flip them off, or push them down!!!! We must be terrible LSU fans :dis:
The Wails of the Vanquished, Gnashing of Teeth, and the Lamentations of their Women are Music to my ears and bring Joy to my Heart. My Tiger Soul Rejoices to learn that Our War Cry "TIGER BAIT" strikes such fear and loathing into the Hearts of our Enemies. Let them Hear it Loud and Long! Let them Tremble like Feeble Women in contemplation of confronting Our Raucous Hordes! Let them Pee upon themselves at the very Sound of our Mighty Golden Band! Let them Flee the field of Confrontation lest the Wrath of the Tigers be loosed upon them! Let their hearts quail and their blood run cold at the sight of Purple and Gold! Tell me more Once Mighty and Tiger-Mauled Vanquished Sooners, Stomped and Silenced Dawgs, Skull-Dragged Auburn Pretenders, and Ole Miss Minions, Tell me how never has such Fear Been Upon You, How Others are mere striplings compared to the Fearsomeness of the Purple Horde! ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY CHAMPIONS! ALL HAIL LSU! Bow Ye Vanquished, Grovel for Mercy Lest Ye be TIGER BAIT once more! No supplecation to the Baton Rouge Advocate will Avail Thee! No Whining to Skip Bertman will Save You! Submit and be Assimilated or you will surely be TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT, TIGER BAIT TO HELL! ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY CHAMPIONS! ALL HAIL LSU! *********************************************