well hopefully one day arkansas fans will just stop coming. I was going to LSU games when I was 6 and I didn't flip anyone off then and I won't do it when I'm 80. I also haven't seen any 6 year olds or 80 year old women flipping anyone off in all my years going to games. Like I said previously, maybe they will stop coming and just lie about what happened to their neighbor. The auburn guy cracks me up. Denial? Has anyone here ever been to Jordan-Hare? lol. its second only to oxford in a-hole ratio IMO. :lsug: :champs: :geaux:
I am fine now Proud Tiger. Your a good Auburn fan, I said it there and I will say it here, I have no beef with Auburn or Tuberville. I just get upset sometimes when dog piles on our entire state starts, but like I said there its your board and if I dont like I could simply leave. I also get upset when people kind of make up stuff or blanket an entire fan base because one guy was a jerk. I am pretty proud of who I am, where I am from and my people of the State of Louisiana. Maybe I go overboard sometimes in defending them on a silly internet chat room. The only reason I do is because as a Louisianain I get so tired of being dumped on by everyone, living in Texas its much worse. But in hindsight why should I really care what someone thinks. I enjoy WEN, lots of pretty cool people there.
I actually think the "Tiger Bait" stuff is pretty cool - good spirited from most of what I've witnessed. But I will also agree with Proud Tiger that the catcalls aren't limited to merely "Tiger Bait", and it's usually during the walk to & from the car to the stadium. I've shared with those on this board my experiences from my visit to BR last season with my now 12 year-old son. (No need to bring up the details again)Needless to say, I prolly built up his expectations prior to the experience a little to much and he was disappointed with some of the "hospitality" we received from a minority of LSU fans. But overall, my experiences have been good over the years, with some great memories and friendships built along the way. I still love partying with the KoC bunch - great bunch of folks. However, I wouldn't recommend taking the family to BR anymore - lesson learned - leave the kids at home. :dis:
The best one I ever heard was from an OU fan this year who said that a gang of LSU fans punched a woman in the face and when her father (a man of about 80 years of age according to them) stepped in somone hit him in the head with a beer mug. This was the story that was posted after the one about the group of LSU fans who beat some poor guy with a crow bar. Amazing...
I've experienced the idiot LSU fans many times in Baton Rouge and a few times on the road. I've also experienced idiot fans from every other college I've been to. We all have them, no doubt. Some of ours are worse I am sure, for the simple reason they have much longer to get drunk for almost every one of our home games. Some people drink a lot and become more docile. for others it tends to be like firewater in their system, they get much more stupid and a little more brave, as long as they are with a group. As an opposing fan I just try and ignore them or laugh and try to make light of the situation. When I see LSU fans being complete idiots I at least try to amke a comment to let them know I don't appreciate what they are doing. I'm not about to try and stop them as I know my LSU colors are not going to prevent them from trying to kick my ass. Last season before one of the games a friend of mind actually went and got the police because some LSU and Auburn fans were getting out of control, spraying beer on each other, cursing very loud, etc. He didn't know who started it. The police took about 5 or 6 of them off somewhere. I thought my friend did the correct thing.
It's high time the silent majority of friendly, silent fans stand up to the obnoxious drunks at every school. Those of us that take pride in LSU, Auburn and other SEC schools need to police our own and let it be known that we're tired of the obnoxious, drunk trash ruining the rep of the universities we love.:lsup: