A genuine question for the unwavering Miles/Crowton supporters

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsudolemite, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    I suppose I'm more of a mind that the LSU football program generated that money and not simply the head coach. And I don't really know where you got the idea that I or anyone else thinks think the BOS makes player decisions.

    If the Tigers had won 10 games this season and last this discussion probably wouldn't be here. IMO, a 10 win season is still good, but it isn't as big an accomplishment as it was in years past before the days of the conference title game and the "everybody deserves to play in a bowl" era. For the seasons he actually did coach the team to 10+ wins and tremendous success, my sincere thanks. Like every single poster here, I know that the team will not win the NC or the SEC every year. I can only speak for myself when I say that's not my expectation. What I do expect is to be able to win games that we have the player talent to win, to win games when the opportunity is there to win them, and not to regularly lose games to our rivals each season. Sometimes we will just get our butt kicked by a better team. Florida and Bama come to mind this season. Some will say that's asking too much of a coach, others may agree with me. If the last 2 seasons' results are an aberration I'll be pleasantly surprised.

    I read the article and wasn't particularly impressed with its substance. I do see the writer's point. I also didn't see anyone in the thread bashing any recruits and I haven't on this forum (I really haven't looked though). I hope recruits are generally smart enough and thick skinned enough to take with a grain of salt the opinions of fans with keyboards and give more credence to a team's coaching staff, the university in general, and lots of other factors over what you or I think. I certainly hope so.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    not to dismiss your logic at all, but sometimes it's not the recruits as much as the simple minded parents who make decisions for their children.
  3. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Jan 18, 2005
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    LSU was close to winning 10 games, they were also extremely close to losing 6 or 7. that is what irks me about the current administration.. no sense of urgency until the last minute in games. too many penalties, mental mistakes, dropsies, turnovers, trash talking... it's undisciplined and lacks fundamentals.
  4. Chase4LSU

    Chase4LSU Waiting on Mettenberger

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Agreed, but it will have to get quantifiably worse, such as a losing season
  5. Chase4LSU

    Chase4LSU Waiting on Mettenberger

    Oct 29, 2009
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    It is strange, now that you mention it. I've only seen him after a loss or after a tight game to tell us all how lucky we were.
  6. Chase4LSU

    Chase4LSU Waiting on Mettenberger

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Great post. My sentiments exactly
  7. geauxgeauxhon

    geauxgeauxhon blah blah blah

    Jan 3, 2007
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    I'll agree with this.

    I'll add that it what bugs me both about the overly-negative AND overly-positive posters is that there's no balance, i.e., either CLM has done NOTHING right his past five seasons or if you criticize CLM you are somehow a lesser fan and should go and cheer for someone else. Balance is great, but this season seems to thrown many people off balance.
  8. Chase4LSU

    Chase4LSU Waiting on Mettenberger

    Oct 29, 2009
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    I think it comes with the territory for a successful football team, geauxgeauxhon. Overly positive defends, overly negative demands more. So on and so forth to make a lively forum.
  9. TigerBacker70

    TigerBacker70 I'm the Cock of the Walk!

    Sep 22, 2009
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    Good point. Or by HS coaches or friends or who knows who.

    LSU was capable of winning every game this season, the team wasn't blown out in any one contest which says something about the level of talent on the team. But you are right in that even though only 4 games were lost (which is what matters most in the end) we came damn close to losing several more and there but by the grace of God have a .500 season with top level talent. That would have been unforgivable IMO. My point is I'm glad we didn't fail, but I see the slide toward those results in these past 2 seasons that I guess some of us don't see. I don't want to be like the alcoholic or drug addict that's the last one to see their own issues and has to hit rock bottom before deciding that there is a problem and to do something bout it.
  10. WestCoastTiger

    WestCoastTiger Founding Member

    Aug 26, 2003
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    Okay, let's all be positive about Les and not complain at all for the next 2 years. If we want to complain we need to get another hobby until then. We all need to feel good or have good "morale" regardless or how things are going. Great okay everybody say thank you John for that pep talk.

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