S7 will have 7 episodes. S8 will have 6 according to D&D. Everyone's gotta get paid and they can't let anything as trivial as a pesky story line get in the way of that. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/game-of-thrones-end-date-season-8-1201752746/
It is past time for this story to move along. The parallel threads must start coming together so it is not like an ongoing soap opera every week. It's going to be a major character bloodbath from here on but finally the plot will gain direction. I hope. I think Cersie, Littlefinger, Frankenmountain, and Theon don't survive next season. I would not be surprised to see several annoying Dorians expire as well. Olenna is going be the alpha bitch in that alliance. She's already killed a King.
I was very late to the GOT craze, but I caught the fever and binge-watched all of the series in less than two weeks. I think Littlefinger is going to finally try to marry Sansa, and it almost seemed like they had some kind of pact in that King of the North scene because she was looking in Littlefinger's direction when she smirked.
I'm not sure. I think Sansa, who has enough of her mother in her, will come to resent Jon Snow being called King of the North, when she could easily be the queen.
He might, but her formative years were watching how the likes of Cersei Lannister and Littlefinger would operate. Will she be like her parents or will she have learned from the monsters whom held her captive? It will also be interesting to see how it unfolds when Tyrian and Dany come calling.
I have been listening to a audiobook of Game of Thrones, the first few chapters, while traveling recently. Been years since I read the book or watched the series in year one. Interestingly Jon and Tyrion have a conversation on the way to the wall where it is revealed that they both have dreams about riding dragons. I totally missed that before.