Was thinking the other day and realized that Jon Snow, Dany, and Tyrion's mothers all died during their birth.
Was pretty common in medieval times. You know it's widely speculated that these 3 are the heads of the Dragons, with Bran being warged into 1. One more thing I find interesting is the female empowerment in this show. Dany of course, Cersei sits on the Iron Throne, Yarasha would be queen of the Iron Islands, although Jon has been proclaimed King in the North, Sansa will probably end up at some point being the Wardeness of the North, and you also have The Queen of Thorns basically running shit for the Martells and their lands and the Sand Snakes and Ellaria running shit in Dorne and the South. Hey what did you think of Peaky Blinders season 3? I watched it in less than a day in 1 sitting.
Season 3 was solid and chaotic...loved it. Nothing beats the intentsity of season finale of season 2 though.
Yeah the ending of season 2 was pretty intense, I was thrown completely off by the ending of season 3 though. Season 2 you knew he was getting out of it somehow, but the end of 3 was a complete shock.
It took me a little while to get into it, but I binge watched Game of thrones for about 3 days to get through seasons 1 through 5. Really is a great show. I heard on the radio someone said there are only 13 episodes left. I think it was on Walton and Johnson radio show. If that's the case a lot of people going to have hearts broken, probably me included.
Jon Snow has lost every battle he has led after making poor tactical decisions. Sansa won the last battle. And did you see the glance she passed to Littlefinger when Jon was named King of the North? Littlefinger is telling her that SHE is the power and the leading Stark heir in the North. And he is right. Self-serving, of course, but correct. On the other hand she is still married to Tyrion who is coming back, possibly on a dragon. I see much sibling conflict in season 7. Sansa, Jon, and Arya as well as Cersei, Jamie, and Tyrion. I see at least one death in each family. Bran may ride that dragon instead of Jon.
So where do we stand for season 7? We have the North Allied once again with what is left of the Starks and with allies in the Vale (at least for now). We have Cersie in the Red Keep and apparently the Lannister Army, The Mountain, and the Kingslayer allied with her. But their allies in the Riverlands are now dead. How can they defend both Casterly Rock and Kings Landing? Then we have the Invading Armies of Meereen, the Dothraki Hoard, Varys & Tyrion, the Iron Fleet, the Dragon Queen and the Martells and Dorne all allied against the Lannisters. Who will fight who and in what order? Who will change alliances? I figure Bronn. Who will die besides Cersei. How will the Hound, Arya, Gentry, Sam Tarly, Ser Jorah, and the Red Witch play a part? I just hope the best for my favorite characters
Yeah, the budget for the show has ballooned to $6m per episode, so they're cutting out 3 episodes for seasons 7 and 8. I wish they would just combine the 2 and make s7 14 episodes.