Thanks for clarifying. I knew a lot of the backstory, but not all of it. The show covered the Martel/Lannister/Clegane arc. Clegane killing Elia and her children and that's why Oberyn wanted to kill the Mountain and force him to name Tywin as the one who ordered it. What I'm not quite sure of is why the Lannisters didn't just take the crown after Jaime killed Aerys. Wasn't Tywin already there with his army? As for R+L=J, it was basically confirmed tonight, but didn't she whisper something inaudible to Ned right before she asked him to promise her? If it was the big reveal, why wouldn't the powers the be let us hear the entire conversation? Bran surely couldn't hear it so he still doesn't know. P.S. I love Lady Mormont and Granny Olenna! 2 fierce bitches right there.
More time passes than they make apparent. A fleet sailed from the Iron Island to Meereen and it was not overnight. Months pass during each episode. Plus the multiple story threads are not all happening sequentially. Braavos is only 900 sea miles from the Neck. A good ship with favorable winds can make it in 6 days. Meereen is 3,600 miles from Dorne. Varys could make it there and back in 25 days.
They don't call Olenna the Queen of Thorns for nothing. I like all the Mormonts. I figure Sir Jorah will find whoever cured Shireen's grayscale and get back into the story. And fuck this episode. Cersei anointed Queen? I wanted Margery to get some payback on Cersei. But I suppose that Olenna will do a much better job of it. She surely doesn't take any shit from the Sand Snakes. Where the hell has the White Wolf been? He sat out the Battle of the Bastards? What good is a direwolf if he is not in the fight. So, Danerys left her boy-toy in Meereen because she expects to marry for power in Westeros. Who, I wonder? Jon and Tyrion may in fact be her brothers. Littlefinger, Mace Tyrell? Not a chance. Jamie? Maybe. If he survives meeting Tyrion again. I think I can see who the other dragon riders will be. Jon, who is a Targaryen and a Stark, and probably Tyrion. Tywin said "you are no son of mine" and he actually went into the Dragons dungeon to free them from their chains and they allowed it. Maybe they know a Targaryen when they see one.
Not only do the dragons play nice with Tyrion but there was a scene where a red priestess stopped her speech and starred him down on his way to Meereen. I believe the Red Priest and Targaryns go way back to the old days of Dragonstone.
Sure were... I did say this story line in King's Landing was a ticking time bomb. Didn't know that was literal. I was right about Tommen but the show made it so much better on how I thought it was going to play out. I still want to know how Jon is going to find out for himself. So we definitely received confirmation we have been waiting for but only half fulfilled until we see Jon figure it out. My theory is that he finds out from Ned himself with Jon's pre-made headstone in the crypts. I believe the Starks always pre-make these for their family members. Also heard that the engravers used by the Starks were illiterate so the secret would still be safe. Another way he could find out is from a cameo by Howland Reed or someone else who has more knowledge of the past that is keeping their information close to the chest. Maybe someone like Littlefinger or more likely Varis who will hold the information until it somehow benefits themselves.
I'm thinking that they didn't want to completely 100 percent confirm it, or they wanted you to know that Jon was Lyanna's son but we still don't know under what conditions. Was it consensual? Was it rape? That's still the mystery and I think that's what was being whispered. We heard her say "if Robert finds out he will kill....." "You have to protect him". "Promise me Ned, Promise me"
I like that crypt theory. I suspect it will be from Bran. I think we will see him back at Winterfell at some point next season, and I'm very curious as to why Benjen would just let Bran go past the wall. Didn't the Nights King touch Bran? So if Bran goes south doesn't that mean the Nights King will be able to pass through as well?
Bran is one I forgot to mention. Could very well be him once Bran learns more on his powers to communicate to the past or present. I was thinking the same about Benjen...but does he know that Bran was touched and what that means if he was? Another question on that...Is that the 1st time in the book or show that the theory that the Wall had magic was confirmed? I know many thought that was the case but I thought no one knew for sure. Thinking in those terms, Benjen is the only character we know of that has the traits to confirm or deny it given fully turned Wights don't communicate. I guess the Children could of confirmed this but they could be wipped away as far as we know.