Yeah, it's not very often that this show gives you any satisfaction, but I was definitely pleased with how everything went down last night.
Jon Snow is a pathetic commander. He breaks vows, he ignores his own strategy, he lets himself get baited every time. He should declare himself King and appoint Sir Davos to command what is left of his army. The nine-year-old Lady of Mormont could do better. But I suspect Davos is about end the child-burning Red Witch once and for all.
Now that we know Rikon will be buried in the crypts and likely shown next episode...I think this is where Snow finds out for himself who his parents are. But I hope not a cliffhanger. BTW...I like how Jon saved Ramsey for Sansa...screw imprisonment. Dany's dragons changing the tide worked much better than Greyjoys helping out. As for your Cersei/Jamie...I think you could be right but I can't decide if Jamie will join her in her revenge against everyone or if he will try to stop her.
Very satisfying, and quite honestly one of the best battle scenes ever shot. It was Rome vs Carthage and Saving Private Ryan's battle of Normandy combined in 1. A lot of people bitching that Sansa should have said something but I think she knew Rickon was dead, nothing they could do and she felt that Jon and company were underestimating Ramsay so she kept the Vale a secret. Brilliant move on her part. The North Remembers
The very last scene before 10 is over will be the Tower of Joy scene with young Ned and Lyanna's last breath, then Ned will take hold of a baby, and Lyanna will say Promise me Ned, and she will die, and then it will show the baby close up then cut to Jon Snow, season over. And if Rickon had only zig zagged.
I agree that is likely...just think Bran and Jon find out at the same time in the show with Jon in the crypt.
Serpentine, Rickon! I wonder what, if anything, Jon Snow will learn after his decisions should have cost him the battle, the North and his life? I hope he's a quick learner.
I know, right? I kept trying to think of a death that Ramsay deserved, so that he would suffer before he died, and I was ok with Jon beating him to death, but when I saw him in that kennel and remembered that the dogs hadn't been fed in a week, I knew that would be the most fitting way for him to die. Is that how he was killed in the books?
He hasn't died in the books, neither has Roose, Stannis, some of the Nightswatch dudes, Barristan, etc.