No one knows about the program because they haven't ever won anything except a pissin' contest with Bammie ! SabanFan , is this what you're looking for ?
From the same thread NoNameThe1st Registered User Posts: 1760 (4/22/04 2:24:29 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ----------------------------------------------------------------- I would if it helps AU. Also if you are playing the tahd. boscokt Registered User Posts: 2272 (4/22/04 2:50:40 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The only way I could pull for you is if it helped us. Otherwise, hell no. And it is all YOUR (literally meaning you) fault. Never have I met a bigger group of just complete a-holes in my life. "Yea Alabama, Crimson Tide, something duh duh something and then something, dah dah dah dah du da dum, Fight on, Fight on, Fight on, men! And somethin bout the Rose Bowl somethin duh d duh. CRIMSON TIDE!!" - Collective group of Bama fans singing their fight song in Auburn last year IBspringer Registered User Posts: 460 (4/22/04 3:14:14 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, if it helps Auburn. Otherwise, I don't care I guess. I just don't get that passionate about LSU. Even though I agree with the A-hole comment. BufordTiger Registered User Posts: 727 (4/22/04 6:13:29 am ) Reply I pulled for your football team twice last season.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And you beat uga both times! maskedeagle Registered User Posts: 1318 (4/22/04 6:39:39 am ) Reply Yep ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I pull for the Corndogs when they play SpUAt and uGag..Course thats it AUIH1 Registered User Posts: 1024 (4/22/04 6:44:46 am ) Reply When you guys play SPUAT and jawja I pull for you.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Systems Registered User Posts: 4673 (4/22/04 7:35:02 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes - as long as it doesn't hurt Auburn. War Eagle ! bammanm Registered User Posts: 122 (4/22/04 7:57:40 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If it means a spot in the SECCG, yeah. Other than that situation, NO. autryn2 Registered User Posts: 288 (4/22/04 7:58:55 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This brings up a story about me: I used to 'say' that I pulled for bama when they didn't play Auburn, understanding that I would be a 'better' person if I did (after all bama IS a state team). Anyway, back when Stallings was coaching, I was watching an LSU-bama game on TV (the game was in Tuscalooser). During that game, LSU intercepted about 3 or 4 passes and returned each one 20-40 yards. After each interception, I found myself standing in front of the TV screaming: GO!!!!GO!!!!GO!!!!! So I have to face the painful truth. (I guess I'm not a 'better' person after all) So... in my best A.A. impersonation let me state: "My names AuTryn2 and I'm a bama hater" au1331 Registered User Posts: 510 (4/22/04 8:03:33 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? --------------------------------------------------------------------- i pull for lsu against the tahd and i did pull for them in the mnc game last year.... otherwise.... tigertanger03 Registered User Posts: 669 (4/22/04 8:12:15 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Doesn't it help us if LSU loses to UGAG? singlechair Registered User Posts: 214 (4/22/04 8:31:24 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- depends. if one day we're actually in a position where we must rely on strength of schedule points, if UGA is down and LSU is up, we'd probably be better off having LSU take em down. but not sure, maybe this wouldn't matter. i still hope this scenario plays out this year. TIGRRR Registered User Posts: 147 (4/22/04 8:32:27 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LSU vs. Nazi Germany? I've got to go with the Germans. LSU vs. Al Qaeda? I do not agree with their tactics but.... Maybe LSU vs. UAT. I am with you there. AUTiger22 Registered User Posts: 2293 (4/22/04 8:35:08 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LSU vs Bammer Yes LSU if it helps AU Yes Other than that I hope you get stomped every single game. AuEng Registered User Posts: 4142 (4/22/04 8:44:21 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You guys just don't get it. We could care less about you guys. Our true rivals are 1. Bama 2. UGA 3. UF We could give a $**T whether you win or lose because we aren't obsessed with LSwho like you guys are obsessed with us. War Eagle autiger124 Registered User Posts: 889 (4/22/04 8:51:34 am ) Reply Actually..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I pull for LSU against Alabama. I pull for LSU if it helps Auburn. I pull for LSU in tournaments/championship games, thus making the SEC look better. I pulled for LSU against Oklahoma...and I will pull for LSU in the NCAA tourney. "War Eagle!!" namlliTreywaL Registered User Posts: 26 (4/22/04 9:18:28 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ditto autiger124. I have family in NO and BR, not to mention friends. aujeep Registered User Posts: 1448 (4/22/04 10:06:23 am ) Reply Re: Would you pull for LSU in anything? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pull for them everytime they play bamer!