No, you're not. Trust me...w/ all the strife on Planet Earth, I find it rather hard to believe that God cares one whit about the outcome of a football game in the Georgia Dome. These clowns doing this stuff are being mocking. They forget that pride goeth before a fall.
separation of church and LOUISIANA state. Sorry, I hate to make light of ya'lls little dispute, but faith has everything to do with it. I believe LSU will win and I believe it will take them to the Sugar.
It's no dispute...Just another brick in a numbskull's wall, as far as I'm concerned... He of the audacious recruiting pseudo expert...He of the recruiting tape breakdown bullwark...
As is your right. And I applaud your faith. I've been known to let loose w/ a prayer during a close game, even though I don't think God favors one team over another. It's just human nature to do so, I guess. But to go so far as to quote Scripture to find a reason LSU will win, is to me, not only stupid, but somewhat offensive...and I'm not exactly an overly religious person, either.
Hey, TE I really trust in your "feelings". I believe in you, man, really. As a test of faith in your ability and psychic "TOUCH", guess how many fingers I'm holding up now?