yes, he did fail to reduce the size of SS, because he was opposed by folks like you. that post was meant to criticize big government red, not big government W. it is is impossibly hard to reduce the size of government, because folks are always clamoring for politicians to do something. this health care thing is the perfect example. people think it is a "failure" if nothing happens, but nothing is actually a grand success.
Ignoring, once again, the unsustainable cost spiral in the current system. The Status Quo is unacceptable.
You argue against Iraq ion the Health Care thread and you argue for Healthcare in the Legalize drugs thread. Do you read the threads?
just for pot this is what the charges are in Louisiana. Louisiana - NORML pretty ridiculous. Sex Offenders spend less time in jail than a guy growing pot for personal use in his attic.
its not a wild ass guess, but i cant prove it because it didnt happen. you really have fallen off the deep end if you believe that the Dems wouldnt have pushed through a more expensive plan with a Dem prez.