often those two groups, the drug users, and the hard working conservative people, they are the same folks. anyways, it is a tired argument. all we really need to know is that alcohol is a dangerous drug like any other, and it enriches all our lives, provided we are mature enough to use it properly. all drugs, like alcohol, can be used recreationally in a way that is good and fun. and we should never make it our business to stop people from doing what they want.
well, at the very least we should help drug addicts by making the world they have to deal with less creepy and violent and scary. that means legalization. if i know someone who is hopelessly addicted, the last thing i need is for them to be creeping around the ghetto buying drugs from violent gangsters. if there is no criminal element to deal with, we can treat their problems far more safely withtout the threat of arrest or violence. as you know, new york is very nice in september.
This assumes you can help someone who is hopelessly addicted. You can't. Only the addict can help themselves. If they are creeping around buying drugs, they cannot be helped, because they don't want to be helped. What you are proposing is called enabling.
It is fact. You can look it up easily. It was black communities that raised the issue on crack and demanded stiff penalties. A bunch of 80 year old quotes don't really support your argument that drugs are illegal today because of racism. No, I don't think "they" would. I understand you are anti-religous people, but it isn't there fault we have a poor drug policy. I agree that drug use should be at least decriminalized and probably made legal, but I think users are poor advocates. It is fun to hear groups like the Cannabis Action Network complain about the injustice of drug prohibition. They aren't champions of liberty. They are potheads, and if they weren't they wouldn't care about the issue. They would go sit in a drum circle, play hackey sack, not wear shoes, not bathe, and do other things hippies do and don't do.
fine, even if i cant help them, i dont see what purpose it serves to criminalize their behavior. all it does is create a violent criminal underworld. as you say, they are the one who can help themselves. your tax dollars paying cops to lock them up isnt the solution. anyways, i dont want to do drugs. but it does irritate me that if i did i would risk being arrested. people should stay out of my damn business and let me try a bit of drugs if i want (i dont).
I am not anti religious, i am anti someone telling another person how they should live their life, and people telling others that their morals are more important than others. The same people who quote "judge not lest ye be judged" are the same people who are the first to judge. As far as cocaine vs. crack thing, once again, believe what you want, its the same drug, except one was more prevalent in black neighborhoods and one was more prevalent on wall street. you do the math. 80 year old quotes from the guy who created so much racial propaganda against marijuana, that the federal government stepped in and created harsh penalties for even non violent drug offenders is very relevant. Why do you think it was made illegal in the first place? Because its bad for you? please tell me that don't fall for that. One thing that you don't seem to understand is that it really does not benefit a hardcore drug user if drugs were legalized. It would make them harder to get, it make it more expensive, the quality would go down. It would keep them out of jail, but apparently the threat of jail doesn't mean that much unless you get pulled over.