do you agree with that 9/11 truther video you posted? in particular do you think wtc 7 was a planned demolition?
We are already withdrawing troops from Iraq, which was promised, and we are on schedule. Obama did not promise to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, he promised to add more.
WHat is liberal about, hell what is conservative about war. THe only people that support it are dema and repbs. obama has also add troops to pakistan if im correct. So if we were in iraq to fight al qida (sp), why are we leaving? Obama just put peices in place for a big war. IMo.
i dunno what that means. seriously can you be more careful with the way you construct sentences? i cant understand you. are you a wtc conspiracy theorist, or do you believe the official government story that it was caused by terrorists? your video says that wtc 7 was a controlled demolition. do you agree with that? again, keep in mind that the official truther position is to always avoid answering, and pretending that there are unanswered questions. so your job now is to avoid answering simple questions, and continuing to pretend there are mysteries about 9/11 that havent been answered thousands of times.
Re: 9/11: Conspiracy? The issue of the troops being withdrawn has been discussed several times in here. I will repeat that congress passed, before Obama became president that the troops would be withdrawn by 2011. The build up in Afghanistan and Pakistan was developed long before Obama took office. He is executing what was already decided.