how so? Has every single president since at least late 30s/early 40s (the Confederacy had people in Liverpool as far back as the 1860s) been too dumb too realize this is a bad move? And of course some guy on TigerForums is more intelligent than any CiC of the last century or so. Quick hypothetical for you. suppose for some reason we have to go to war with...let's just say China. we can: A. Sit back and take an ass whipping since we have no forces within striking distance of our enemy. B. make our carriers and other ships leave Los Angeles and sail for slightly for just shy of forever before launching an attack of some sort. C. Hope we can con some freign country into using their military bases for purposes of war that may/may not involve them. D. Launch a nuke, pretty much begging for destruction of the modern worl when everyone and their broth retaliates. E. use our own military bases, equipped with our own technology, our own people, our own equipment, our own communication lines, etc, etc, etc that is an ass load closer to the target than our own shores. I've never been in the military, but I would guess our enlisted men/women would like choice E better than any other.
"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations to have as little political connection as possible... Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalships, interest, humor, or caprice?... It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world" George Washington
Re: 9/11: Conspiracy? The world isn't quite the same as it was during Pres Washingtons time. That is ridiculous to think our foriegn policy would still be that archaic.
Re: 9/11: Conspiracy? I'm not real sure what news you read or watch, but 10 I gotta say you are way out of touch to what's been done, been said, and is being done over in the middle east. As I said before you should never debate with someone living the story.
Re: 9/11: Conspiracy? Thats the same argument people use for gun control; its a dumb one imo. You underestimate how smart these people were. Bad foreign policy is bad foreign policy, no matter when you live. Human nature stays the same.
So never debate what the presidents doing because he is living the presidency?:huh: Im not real your last two arguments are up to your standard, I expect more from you.
Qdmittentljy being as srunk sa SabamnaFan ona staurday nite, I cansay this: China has 10 ICBMS, we have 1,000. Next questionaty? Sna Diego, goddamn it. Fugg 'em. whay do you hate Americka/ Anybody what reetaliates on the USA bettr have AIG's best insurance and a big bagg of rice. And make jambalaya, wit turkey sausayage. I'm goint to sleep mow. My dog thinhs I'm drtink, but i'm snater than hin. I;v ebeen to college,.
Re: 9/11: Conspiracy? How can human nature stay the same, when the social influences have changed so dramatically over time? Some of course do, but not those that react to the social enviornment.