Okay Jackie, lets go to big boy school. 1. You do realize the importance of a politician standing on a stump promising the world to all the pleebs right? If you were taken in by his "I'll bring everyone home" speech then we should talk real estate. I've got plenty. 2. You do realize he is (and I really hate to say this) the CIC. He can do that. 3. You must also realize he isn't just (or God help him I hope he isn't) pulling these troop movements out of his a$$. To be honest I'd be amazed if obama knows the difference between a howitzer and handgun. He is taking the advice of his cabinet. Ever hear of the Joint Chiefs? Eh? Its sort of like the knights of the round table except they have been in the military gig for a minute. I suggest civics 101. Come back after a year or two.
You know, for a bunch of REMF's, I always thought these dudes were pretty cool. Made dog and pony days much more somethin to do.
They all lie dork! And he wasn't the CIC when he told the big fatty. The only problem is you got taken by his snow job. Those of us that knew better knew there was no way he could 1. Put an end to anything in the time frame he said or 2. Get troops out. As our good jar head friend has pointed out to you the numbers are coming down. It takes time. Units are rotating out and not being replaced. If you would pay attention to anything besides coast to coast with art bell you might realize that things are heating up in afgahn country. It requires attention. Here is the important part. You don't have to worry about it unless you signed a contract. Just sit back and enjoy what freedom you have left before the CIC slowly takes it all away from you. Or is that why you have your panties in a wad? Did you sign up for the college money thinking you had this thing whooped and now you might have to go somewhere? Oh I just love those kind. Thats it isn't it? You're on orders. Deal with it. I'm sure there is someone that will protect your butt:thumb: