850 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by PURPLE TIGER, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It takes 60 to avoid a filibuster and time is critical.

    The republicans got some things changed to get it passed, so it is indeed bi-partisan. The Republicans did not want to be the ones who shot this stimulus down, they just wanted to have some input, which they got, and grudgingly accept it.
  2. TigerKid05

    TigerKid05 Say Whaa!?!?

    Aug 3, 2004
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    down to $789 Billion
  3. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Future problems, probably current problems no. Good we agree.

    A bunch of politicians created this bill.

    The list of pork has been talked about and posted ad nausem no need to rehash. Stop pretending to be naive.

    The stated goal of this bill is to stimulate the economy in the near term. School districts take years to decide on cites, bid out projects, hire design teams and the like. This does not cause short term stimulation of the economy.

    It is their earnings. If a business wants to be conservative and not expand it is their business. The money from the credits is better suited and will have more direct impact in the hands of the compaines than in the hands of the gubment.

    Also if they sit on the money it is in a bank and can be loaned out which serves to de-ice the credit markets.

    Why do you feel the government is entitled to the money earned by others? How is the government going to do a better job putting this money to use than you or I?

    It is an economic fact that budgets expand in proportion to available credit and cash. I'm sure some money will also be saved, but how is that negative?


    WWII took us out of the depression.

    Most Americans where against the Wall Street bailouts and are against this stupid big spending bill.

    This in essence is the problem with the liberal mindset. The government is not our saviour it is our servent.

    The economy will turn around with or without the government's aide, and probably more quickly without it.

    I am all for economic stimulation. Just not via wasteful spending.
    1 person likes this.
  4. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    The sky is falling!!!

    This was a bill pushed through by Democrats and 3 left leaning Republicans. This bill screams of the same crap the Republicans pulled under Bush for 6 freaking years.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I knew you couldn't offer an example. You are just aping the conservative press.

    Where does it say that? The text of the stimulus is HERE. "Near-term" is subjective anyway. No one wants a project that requires ten years of planning, but many construction projects can get underway in a matter of a few months. It just takes specifications to be written and bids to be submitted. The idea that we can get that much money circulating in a few days is preposterous.

    This crisis is going to take years to get out of, we need jobs that are going to last for years, not a few months. How exactly can we get money into the economy as fast as you rashly imagine that we should? and times are not normal. This money will come with spending deadlines and school districts will have to move on them.

    Wait a minute! You just objected to money that takes months to get into circulation, but it's OK for a business to just take a stimulus tax refund and NOT spend it at all! That's contradictory, robs the treasury of its money, and contributes nothing to the economy. Look, the "gubment" only distribiutes this money. It's going to go to industry contractors who will then be required to deliver.

    Those markets have their own republican bailouts already. The stimulus is for stimulating the economy. Now, you are being dishonest.

    Don't pretend that you don't understand how taxation works.

    The government isn't going to employ people to build schools. They are going to hire lots and lots of private contractors. You may get one, I may get one. How else would you do it?

    This is a national problem. It's going to take a national effort to solve it. 200 million individuals can't do it, so we elect a government to deal with national issues. Is that so hard to understand?

    You are dreaming again. I'd like to see you document this claim.

    Wait a minute! You were just against it.
  6. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    The examples have been posted multiple times on this board. You know them. Do not assume you know what I am able to offer.

    I guess when you have no other arguement semantics is the best one to fall back on. I understand "near term stimulus it is not in the text of the bill, but it has been marketed to us very clearly. Did you watch TV Monday night at around 7 o clock?

    Tax cuts and credits put the money back into the economy now not in some undefined period of time that may never happen.

    What you fail to comprehend is that tax cuts and credits allow individuals to keep their own money. The Treasury robs us. We cannot rob it.

    Funny how the Financial bailouts which were championed by Barney Franke, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, and a list of Republicans are Republican bailouts, but this current stimlus bill is pushed by Democrats and three Republicans and it is bi-partisan. Quit being such a hack.


    No. I understand that you are in support of an increasing amount of government involvement in our lives, and you think individuals are incapable of solving their own problems.

    Well I can't document things that have not happened yet. Maybe if this stimulus bill funds my time machine research project I can send you some links back from the future, but then that could create all sorts of parodoxes, and I don't want to end up being my own grandfather.

    You seem unable to understand even simple concepts. Being against a bill full of wasteful spending is not the same as being against economic stimulus.

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    This is the same partisan crap argument that is handcuffing DC. Everyday that whatever they decide to do gets delayed adds another month of recovery time. Right now the politicians need to put their high horse political ideologies aside, and figure out what will help the American public. Gov't intervention at any level is socialistic, they need to get over that fear and just do it.

    A stimulous to the ecnomy, no matter what they do is going to have long term repercussions. Go find someone who is suffering through this recession and see how much they support this package the way it is being presented. The Gov't is going to spend the money regardless, then they need to spend it where it will stop the bleeding. This countries economy is bleeding from its foundation, and its foundation is its people.
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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  9. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Forgotten the truth? Keep deluding yourself.

    3 out of 49 equates with "they supported it". What's next? You gonna tell me George McGovern really won years ago because "they supported him"???

    You should sell more of that weed instead of smoking it all.
  10. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I'm really amazed that more debate on this hasn't taken place in this forum.
    Some sure like to go after CEO's and the private sector but talk on this has been pretty silent.

    What I'm not understanding here is that we are risking the future of our children and grandchildren, heading into uncharted waters according to Geitner.
    So, let me get this straight, most people are alright with this?

    I also don't understand, why such a massive, expensive bill to begin with?
    Prediction, Bush's bailouts didn't work and neither will this one.
    Obama will be the worst president ever because we will spend ourselves into another great depression!

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