skimmed through the stimulus plan... looking at a personal level, I am seeing a vehicle tax credit for purchases made after November 2008. If I understand correctly, I can write off my sales taxes (purchased in late November) and interest paid on notes during 08 year. Additioanally, a 1,000 per couple tax credit. Hmmm.. I may get around 3k out of ole Obama. ......... then pay it all back elsewhere.
Because we are at the top of the food chain and can think for ourselves. Your liberal larval stage is nearly complete. Apologizing for the crap stuck in here is disgusting. It was disgusting under Bush, and even more disgusting now. Pure hypocrisy. Oh really? Yet another in a long line of completely false statements by you Red. 3 republicans voted for it in the Senate, along with zero republicans in the House. The republicans did fight for more tax cuts, but also wanted reduced spending. IMO, they came up short on both, so I am not impressed with them either. The CBO itself admits this "stimulus" bill will hurt the country in the long term, and they don't mean 50 years from now. The longer it takes, the more information comes out, the less the public wants it. I guess we can start to see the change Obama meant.
They're Up until the Dems got power 2 years ago everything was fine. And what's this "failed policies over the last 8 years" bullsh!t? I believe His Saviorness was in the Senate that entire time.
Two of which came before Obama, did you forget? You are kidding yourself, mon ami. Very . . . Loudly.
How is it that only tax breaks stimulate the economy? Six years of republican tax cuts without spending cuts got us into this deficit spending crisis n the first place. It leads to government borrowing instead which only worsens the national debt. How can it not? You're dreaming.
Completely false? :lol: You've forgotten what the truth is. The bill would NOT HAVE PASSED the Senate without Republican support. It doesn't matter if it was three or thirty republicans, it passed with republican support. As expected.
I did not say that. While I am against deficit spending it has very little to do with this current meltdown, and if it did how would even more deficit spending be the answer? The national debt is not really much of an issue here. Our national debt level is only about 80% of GDP. Japan's economy works at 120% debt to GDP, and it is every bit as robust as ours. The real issue here is how is a bunch of pork barrel spending on already overfunded government programs going to create jobs? These are the issues that a large number economic expert has with the stimulus package, and I'm not hearing answers. Everything I have read says pretty clearly that the results of this bill will be a grown federal budget, no short term benefits, and bad long term consequences. You railed against W. for eight years about don't tax and spend politics and yet your candidate is taking this same policies to another level and you support them? What gives? Have you read any expert opinion on the matter?
More half truth's the bill could have easily passed the senate without the three Republicans. 58 of 100 is a majority. Your attempt to characterize this wasteful bill as bi-partisan is plain dishonest.
Japan has had 20 years of economic problems. Don't kid yourself, the doubling of the National debt in the last 8 years plus this recent piling on will be a major problem for the future of the country . . . especially if the trade deficit worsens, the dollar shrinks, and foreigners stop buying Treasury notes. A large number of experts helped create the bill, too. Be specific, it's easy to say "pork". Pick a spending item and tell me why it is pork. For instance the republicans got 500 million dropped that would have rebuilt and repaired decaying schools. How is that pork? It would have generated contracts to construction businesses that would have hired up and bought materials and started work on buildings. Thats jobs created, and money that HAS TO BE SPENT on the projects. Instead the republicans want tax cuts for those construction businesses. Now, that money could be spent on new jobs and new purchases of equipment and material by a business, BUT IT DOESNT HAVE TO. The industry may just keep it to offset the losses they took last year and to ride out the recession. Even if a company wanted to hire up and start work, where are they going to get contracts in this economy? That 500 million would have put a lot of contractors back to work. How is it "government pork"? Tax cuts stimulate the economy only if they are spent, not kept as capital. New contracts will stimulate the economy and the money must be spent. Then you've only read right-wing sources. Uhh, there is an unprecedented crisis, you know. It took government intervention to pull us through the depression, too. How can one support the Republican administration Wall Street Bailout and the Bank bailout packages, which prevented a financial collapse but have not helped the economy, and then object to the kind of money injection that could actually generate work to start pulling us out of this. Where else can it come from? Other countries are doing everything they can to stimulate their economies, why in the world would we not? Yes. You?