I'm excited about he ATV Trails. :thumb: Nothing like riding on trails with money the government borrowed and on an ATV financed at 18% with 0% percent down and a looming job loss on the horizon. Ain't America and it's leaders smart? Complacency kills. So does debt.
Obama had better drop the "it's Bush's fault" rhetoric and yank in the reins on Pelosi. He's letting her run this stimulus show and, while she'll get her $50 million to improve the habitat in San Francisco Bay, his popularity will drop like a rock. It's amazing that the Dem Caucus is sunning it's collective self at a spa and nary a word is heard. Why can't they meet in DC?
The great big pork project isn't doing so good in popularity these days!
The "Only the Government Can Save You" prose seems to be a great way to get funding for every project that the Dems had on their agenda but couldn't pass for years. Now you are just dumb if you oppose whatever happens to be in the bill. Who will pay to keep these programs going after the crisis? They will not just go away. Many of these programs will take years to have any effect whatsoever. I haven't bought the bill of goods yet....
It's really a shame how Obama is touting the fact that the American people voted for him and he's now using this as leverage to pass the porkulous garbage. I actually supported him over McLame, which I'm now regretting more and more. I've heard him and others spout several times that this bill "isn't perfect, but necessary." How about take some damn time to figure out what is and isn't necessary, especially when your spending money that isn't yours but rather the American People's? I smell a rat and it reeks of "change." We are being "led" by retards. Welcome to Socialism.
How do you figure? The republicans spent a week poisoning the proposal over some porkishnish that was a tiny part of the bill. Politics as usual so they could campaign for more of the same tax breaks for business and cuts for education that got us here. In the end, they voted for it, as expected, as they always knew that they would.
It still amazes me that Republicans are still pushing tax breaks and deregulation as a cure all. And now, all of a sudden, their worried about deficits. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself a blue dog moderate, but who ran up the current deficit??
I don't give a damn if it's one dollar of pork. It has no business being in a "stimulus" bill. And it's a hell of a lot more than a "tiny" portion. It's billions. Are we becoming so jaded that billions of dollars of anything can be considered tiny? Obama has hit the road to charm the citizenry with his gift of gab because the indications are that Americans are not sold on this massive outlay. The polls will temporarily reflect this, but, I'm telling you, this ain't gonna work. Now he's having his Interior guy quietly delay the lifting of drilling moratoriums so you can get ready for $4.00 gas again. And 3 TRILLION for bailouts? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
Three of them voted for it after nearly 100 billion in pork spending was removed and 50 billion in tax breaks that will actually stimulate the economy were added. If the final bill looks like the Senate bill we have a much better package than the waster proposed by the House. All in all this is a terrible bill that will have no effect on the economy.