If he thinks timing is everything he missed a golden opportunity here. The timing couldnt be better for him to stamp his authority on his Presidency and he folded. Claiming a bill he signs as "old business" while blaming it on Bush is disingenuous. This a a democratic congressional bill rife with the same ole shiat he campaigned so hard against. There is evidence that congress will continue to draft such bills. There was no better time to take his stand. He gets a black mark for letting down the American people on such a huge campaign promise. I sincerely hope that Obama is wildly successful. We sure as hell need it right now but he has problems in congress that need to be addressed and it was a big part of his mandate. With his ratings probably the highest he will see, he should have gone after it now. He would have won and there is no good reason not to take his high rating to the mat for such a crucial indicator of his long term intentions. Right now all we have is lip service because as it relates to this issue, his actions have not matched his words.
Sounds great, but a president can't legislate the way the Congress has done business for 100 years overnight. Congress has to do it and the President must convince them. Congress is resistant to change earmarks in both parties and persuading all the players to make significant changes could take months . . . maybe a year. A "feel-good" authoritative stand that delays the stimulus by a year or more is penny-wise and dollar-foolish. The prudent move was to pass this one, warts and all, and set about changing the process before next year's budget bill.
Sounds more like "lets squeeze in all of OUR stuff in one bill, then slam the door on anyone else doing it in the future."
Flew right over your head, did it? I'll try again . . . when I said: "When the situation changes, the wise man changes his plans", Situation = economy; plans = earmarks. It means that the crashed economy is a major change from last year and made it wiser for Obama to be expedient rather than doctrinaire. Intellectual flexibility is a Presidential virtue.