I have no problems with you posting a longer quote. All he does is back up his opening statement. He wants Obama to fail . . . lock, stock and barrel.
Of course, Captain Obvious, we are all just stating opinions here. Tell me . . . which part didn't you understand? "I need four words: I hope he fails.” "I disagree fervently with the people on our side of the aisle who have caved and who say, "Well, I hope he succeeds." "I've been listening to Barack Obama for a year-and-a-half. I know what his politics are. I know what his plans are, as he has stated them. I don't want them to succeed." "If I wanted Obama to succeed, I'd be happy the Republicans have laid down." "I don't want this to work."
you really dont see the difference? he disagrees fundamentally with what he and many others see as socialistic policies --and does not want them to succeed in america because it is contrary to the very core/success of our country and economy. if obama is the one making these policies, then so be it. anyone who understands a free market society should understand this simple, yet fundamental concept.
I also hope any politician who wishes to take America down the primrose path of socialism fails in the attempt. That is not equal to wanting America to fail or Americans to suffer.
Hey, I understand what Limbaugh is saying, just like you guys. It is SabanFan who thinks he's saying something else.
Wrong again. I saw the interview with Hannity and he quite lucidly explained that he does not want Obama's socialistic policies to succeed. As the Pink Panther would say: "That is what I have been saying all along".
no, its you. thats the difference I was mentioning. its not obama per se, its the fundamentally wrong policies.
The "wrongness" of the policy is subjective and a matter of opinion and you know it. But wanting to see the President fail is an objective statement and a fact. Limbaugh said it and he overreached, which is why he's going on Hannity and trying to spin it down a bit. I don't have an issue with Rush, that's they way he rolls. But I object to the "noble" spin that some have tried to put on it. I never wanted Bush to fail at anything except to get reelected in 2004. I feared he would fail, predicted he would fail, and documented the failures at length as they happened. But I did not wish him to fail, because the country would fail along with him. We don't need two failed presidencies in a row.
dont let your defensiveness kill your logic. if obama proposed communism, Id want it to fail because in the long run it would suck (as well as the short-run) and be the demise of america. same thing with socialism. you should want it to fail very very badly. and clearly, thats what this is, although you fail to see it. once you admit that, then this will all make much more sense.