Trump, Bush, Walker, Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Huckabee, Christie, and Kasich are in. Santorium, Forina, Graham, Pataki, Jindal, Perry and Gilmore have left the building. Who is Gilmore? I never heard of him.
Make no mistake about it, it will be like a firing squad with all the candidates going after Trump with the exception of maybe Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, who I consider to be the only two serious candidates for the nomination. Another thing to consider is that Trump currently sits at about 22-23% of the support but I think he has reached his ceiling, or close to it. I predict by the time the primaries make it to SC he will be getting out of the race because enough of the other candidates will have dropped out by then and their support will go to the remaining candidates. Eventually it will get down to Bush and Walker with Trump in 3rd. This is the point where I fully expect Trump to "go rogue" and run as an Independent candidate with Sarah Palin as his running mate.
I had never heard of him until he announced he was running but he, like Booby Jindal, was against the restrictions of the Medicaid program but unlike Jindal, he took the money anyway. When there is money on the table that helps your people with health care you have to take it.
Jindal doesn't care about Lousiana or any of us, he only cares about the white man in that portrait on his office wall.
Kasich has an impressive record. As a congressman he led the fight for the balanced budget in the 90's and is much more responsible for the fiscal health of that period than Clinton. He left congress and was a successful businessman. As governor of Ohio he was very successful in budget control while maintaining good services. He seems to be a true conservative not a tea bagger ideologue like Cruz or Perry.