Well, it's a Harrison song, but I like it fine. The worst Harrison song is "Love You To". Yeccch! McCartneys worst has to be "Hold Me Tight".
Not a Harrison fan? While not my favorite of the four either (Lennon is), I think it's hard to deny that Harrison has a greater "bang for the buck" when comparing him to Lennon/McCartney...AKA, he wrote a higher percentage of great songs... My favorite Harrison song, of course, is While my Guitar Gently Weeps, which I could listen to over and over again...
I'd like to read it, going to the beach in August, if I can find it I'll bring it with me. I enjoyed reading "The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of the Beatles" by Peter Brown (of the Ballad of John and Yoko fame) and Steven Gaines. Is there a question on the table ?
Yes, what singer did John liken Paul to after the Beatles broke up? (hint: it wasn't a compliment.) What interesting about Peter Brown is his increased influence on the Beatles after Brian Epstein died. While the Beatles slowly started going in different directions, they all counted on guys like Peter Brown, Mal Evans, or Neil Espanel to keep them going...John would call these guys if he couldn't do something( like there is a story in Hunter Davies book about John having to ask his wife Cynthia to remind him how to use the phone because from '63 on, people did things like this for them.)
Darn, guess I'm stumped. George Michael ? HA, HA ! I know that John in the song "How Do You Sleep At Night" refers to Paul's songwriting as "Muzak" and that he referred to Paul as a "boring prig". Paul's response to some of John's criticism is the song "Silly Love Songs". Soooooo who is it Dallas ? Tiny Tim ? Paul Anka ?
Even though I don't like "Taxman" (I don't like the real taxman either !! ), I still very much like George. I love "All Things Must Pass". Even though many fans have their favorites and want to blame one or the other for the break up (in my opinion it was inevitable if you know the band's history), the Beatles would not have been "The Beatles" with the combination of personalities and talent the four of them had. Ringo gets maligned by many for his, at least by their perception, lack of talent. Even if the criticism is well-founded, how could you have had the Beatles without him ? You couldn't, but thats just MHO !
I think the Beatles did what they did because they were the perfect combination for a band. They had the creative one (Lennon), the musical one (Harrison), and the composer (Paul). Lennon was the most creative and the best with words, whereas George could play ,supposedly, 20 instruments well, and Paul was great at putting songs together... Throw in Ringo, a reliable and versatile drummer and you have a fantastic combo...
I think the Beatles were what they are because of the remarkable, astonishing coincidence that the two greatest composers of the 20th Century grew up in the same town, at the same time, and formed a band. And they went out and got the best guitar player and the best drummer in Liverpool and kept the act together for 10 years.