Dude, who the fuck ever said the Lynch rescue and Tillman friendly fire incident was cool? I've said all along McChrystal never should've been elevated to ISAF commander simply because he lacked integrity in allowing the Silver Star award to go through, even though he had misgivings about the circumstances surrounding Tillman's death. Your assumptions are misguided and ill-informed. Then again, I wouldn't expect you to understand the level of outrage most of us who've served have over this.
I'm not talking about Bergdahl, I'm talking about Obama. The US isn't closing shop and turning off the lights yet. And if you think that's the case, I invite you to explain it to the two other brigade combat teams on my post.
But withdrawal is coming, is it not? If a new Afghan president doesn't sign the new agreement, it could happen fairly quickly. But tell me, since you have the ability for rational assessment not just emotional reaction . . . do you really think we should just leave a guy behind? Did he defect, did he desert, did he collaborate with the enemy? Do we know these things or just suspect them? If so, why would he wish to return? These charges will have to be investigated. Now we can do exactly that. I realize that he may be all of these things and it pisses off soldiers, but there is a possibility that he is simply a dumbfuck. Is it not better to get him and run him through the investigation and court martial, rather than just leaving him to be a further tool of the Taliban?
@red55 he left a fucking note and wandered off ALONE you just don't do that. There is no investigation required. He was at best a spc 4 when he did it so he doesn't know shit. Look, I don't care that we got him back, I'd rather have seen him rot with his camel fucking brethren but that is just me. What is criminal is that piece of dog shit president gives in to the enemy and gives them back 5 HVT's. It's criminal it's stupid and he should be punished.