5 to 1, baby 1 in 5

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by mancha, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    "After the 9/11 attacks, the public was told al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors.

    But the White House never let it see an entire section of Congress’ investigative report on 9/11 dealing with “specific sources of foreign support” for the 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.

    It was kept secret and remains so today.

    President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page report. Text isn’t just blacked-out here and there in this critical-yet-missing middle section. The pages are completely blank, except for dotted lines where an estimated 7,200 words once stood (this story by comparison is about 1,000 words).

    A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.

    Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) can’t reveal the nation identified by it without violating federal law. So they’ve proposed Congress pass a resolution asking President Obama to declassify the entire 2002 report, “Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.”

    Some information already has leaked from the classified section, which is based on both CIA and FBI documents, and it points back to Saudi Arabia, a presumed ally.

    The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically."

    You were saying?

    They are still training, so....

    I have read several reports indicating that the Taliban identified these 5. They also insisted that they be released at once rather than in stages as America had wanted. All that for 5 nobodies?
    Reports continue to say, "five high-profile Afghan inmates held by the U.S. military in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The influential commanders, including the former head of the Taliban’s army"...the US has taken out mid-level leaders on a regular basis. These 5 will become an anti-American rallying point and shift right back into gear as they were. They have something to avenge.

    You suppose some of those mercs are former 6er's? And if there are rulers such as Karzai who flip allegiance, what are the chances that the current Al Thani will do the same? I'll get right on that research.

    Part of? Okay. It isn't the same process, procedure, or punishment, not by a long shot.

    I haven't denied him anything. My comment was a response to your inaccurate portrayal of his promotions while in captivity. You suggested that his promotion was somehow service deserved rather than an administrative function.

    I don't like Wahabbists in case you hadn't figured it out. They are a smelly rotten piece of shit stained fruit that must be eaten if you are starving.

    Thing is, the folks in the ME didn't come to America. We went there and kicked the hornet's nest.

    Our influence pales in comparison to the internal anti-American infrastructure that exists in Wahabbist schools. Young children are maleable. They won't change just because we have a few schools over there. And it goes way beyond religious beliefs. Sharia is the way they live, not just worship.
  2. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    He was actually a PFC....he was promoted to spc and then Sgt I think.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Exactly what I thought. Fresh out of "I know how to lace my own boots" academy.

    This is such an awful awful bad decision. Hope all the little obamites are happy with this pos
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I was saying . . . show me the money. If it was a secret report and still is, how do you know these things? If it is declassified, then can discuss it.

    So we are still bombing them and funding the Yemeni Army to root them out on the ground. I would not be surprised to find out that we have SOF working there as well.

    Fair enough, what is this source? Is is fact or speculation?

    That is one possibility. Another is that they have had enough of war with the USA.

    It is possible. But the photo you linked showed his former bodyguards who were identified as active Army Special Forces.

    He hasn't threatened do go over to the Taliban. Kharzai did.

    It is American and it is a justice system, I don't understand the hair you are splitting here.

    Not quite. It is standard procedure to award POWs promotions in captivity. What I suggested is that if the army had proof that he was a deserter and collaborated with the enemy, they had no reason to do this. I think they are rightfully treating him as an AWOL until he can face his accusers and defend himself.

    Darlin', I don't like them either! But the enemies of our enemies are our friends. We have gotten in bed with far worse to pursue our best national interests.

    You underestimate the influence of American educations and Western culture upon these people. Many of them are chafing under strict, medieval laws. They now can see that the old way is not the only way or the best way. But their laws are a mixture of civil and islamic law, not strict Sharia. Sharia courts were abolished in 2003. Things are slowly changing. Alcohol consumption is legal. Qatar allows Christian churches as long as they don't evangelize. English is rising rapidly in usage, foreign tourism is encouraged, social media is not banned and is popular. English newspapers are present that do not agree with the official government message. Women are allowed to be educated and Qatar has the lowest illiteracy rate in the Arab World because of it. Qatar is not Saudi Arabia. But American educations and Western culture is even changing things in Saudi Arabia. They have an ancient culture and will never be Western, but they have joined the 20th century and things will continue to improve.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Leaks of the secret report are out there obviously. "The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically."

    I will take a look at some of what I read and see where it came from.

    This one work for you?

    My point wasn't about the individuals per se but the likelihood that leaders and rulers in that part of the world do not have allegiance and cannot be trusted.

    The Army will have a first go at him (unless Obama declares it not so). A civilian court of law will not.

    And yet you offered the point as though his CO gave specific approval. They shut down the information about his absence. The Army will go on as normal under those circumstances and that would include time in service promotions.

    No, I don't think we have. There is always someone who tops a list. Wahabbists top this one IMO.

    And I think you overestimate Western influence while ignoring the commitment to Sharia in that region. Brunei adopted Sharia one month ago. 5 Iraqi's were arrested for making a video with the song Happy. "The Saudi Anti-Cybercrime Law was enacted by royal decree on March 26, 2007. According to the Gazette, the law - like many cyber-security laws enacted since the rise of the internet - aims "to ensure information security, protection of rights pertaining to the legitimate use of computers and information networks."

    But it also functions as a "big brother" over the Saudi people to enforce Riyadh's harsh interpretation of Sharia law, with a clause also seeking "the protection of public interest, morals, and common values."
    Press freedom advocacy group Reporters Without Borders has classified Saudi Arabia as among the most repressive countries in a global ranking on news and information censorship; in 2014, it ranked as the 164th most free country from a total of 180.

    But the announcement not only highlights Saudi Arabia's iron fist on its press; it shows a dominant trend of social media crackdowns in the Middle East, particularly in Turkey." Women receive the harshest of limitations in Saudi Arabia. It is a sharia law country. And for all intents and purposes Qatar IS Saudia Arabia.
  6. alfredeneuman

    alfredeneuman Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2008
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    The BLA is a formality, it'll be signed by the next president. The Taliban got exactly what they wanted, a sympathetic and emotional response that would ensure the release of their fighters. Who do you think benefitted more?

    It's pretty obvious he's a dumbfuck with a dumbfuck father. I have no problem getting the guy back and he deserves his day in court. He was not worth the release of 5 fighters who in all likelihood will not stay out of the fight, especially since deployments are still happening. They can contribute plenty right where they are and never step foot back in afg.

    I have no idea if he collaborated with the HQN or defected, what he told them and what he didn't. Doesn't change the fact that his actions, whether directly or indirectly, led to more deaths and more families were ripped apart because of it.

    He made the decision to walk. He made that choice. No one snatched him off his FOB, no one grabbed because he got lost on a patrol, he wasn't left for dead following an ambush. He walked off on his own. No, the trade was not worth the price that's been paid, or the potential price that will be paid.
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    What the hell could some dumbass be thinking if he is in Afghanistan and wants to defect? Where the hell can he go except to get captured by the Taliban? Its not like he could hitch a ride to an airport and catch a flight home
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    @red55 even your girl Hill is saying it was a bad move
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    "Reportedly?" When it is declassified, then we can discuss it.

    Leaders in any part of the world cannot be entirely trusted, but it is unique to Kharzai to threaten to go over to the enemy if he didn't get his way. We have been working around Kharzai for years.

    Of course not, but to suggest that the UCMJ is not American justice is incorrect.

    How about our alliance with Saddam's Iraq during the Iran/Iraq war? Qatar can hardly compare in terms of American lives lost or treasure spent when we had to turn around and fight him.

    Well, I pointed out that it is declining in Qatar.

    Still, Saudi Arabia is an important US ally in the region. Can you not understand that we have many alliances of convenience despite cultural, religious, and political differences? Saudi Arabia built huge military bases that were largely empty until we needed them in the Gulf War. They have the worlds largest oil reserves. Their $billions are largely invested in the USA. They are vehemently anti-Iran and anti-Russian. We need the Saudis on our side.

    I think I have already made it clear that this is untrue. It's like saying that Great Britain IS the United States. It just ain't so.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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