Answer the question. If it's so bad and a deadly thing, how have you been effected? It's showing cause and effect. You can't. Case closed.
They don't write the check to themselves. They write it to whoever holds the bonds - mostly American citizens but Red likes to point out that China is also a big holder of them.
you deserve a humanitarian award for caring about your country. ole selfless red. i just remebered i want what is best for our country too, because i live here and a good country is good for me. maybe i deserve an award as well.
Whoa, what are you doing? Your argument is falling down hill quickly. Treasury Bills are bonds that require interest payments. The government pays this interest.
Why do we need to pay it back? Indefinite life allows to never have a point at which we need to have our debt paid off. Excessive debt, not the existence of it, leads to inflation & a weaker dollar, which we'll probably see in a few years due to Bush's spending. Like I said, for optimum economic strength - we should have a reasonable amount of debt at all times used to support infrastructure etc.
Excessive debt restricts future economic growth, lowers interest rates which limits personal financial growth, weakens the dollar and causes future inflation. This affects all of us.
I'll stick with Alan Greenspan. If you can't figure out that we have to pay interest on government bonds, then you can't find your crank in the dark. Also, like martin, your puerile need to get in the last post causes you to make extremely ridiculous statements. I have been affected by being a citizen of the world's largest debtor nation, with the largest national debt in the history of the world. I don't want this distinction. Take it or leave it, I'm quite sure you don't understand.
Well, perhaps. But it is the crushing interest payments that seem like a waste of resources to me. What I'd like to see is the debt being paid down, or at least being managed. Compre? This I can accept, 1980 levels were reasonable. But 9 Trillion dollars and growing . . . just ain't. :thumb:
Although you like to talk about China receiving a lot of the interest, I'm pretty sure American investors are still the bulk of the T-bill holders and those interest payments help the entire world's wealth grow. It comes at a cost, but it's not that bad. We seem to be pretty much in agreeance now. :thumb: