They should open up Tiger Stadium again. Get ESPN down there to cover it like during the ASU game. As long as the guys take care of Georgia, that would win us a few votes in the polls. Someone make this happen.
I havent thought of that... I will ask someone who might be able to make it happen. It will be unlikely to happen on such short notice, but I will see. I wont be able to make it to Tiger Stadium if it does, as I will be in the Georgia Dome that night :thumb:
The school has 3 days to get it done. ESPN can have a crew anywhere within 24 hours. Penn St. would flip. They would know that this would steal many votes from them. I'll be in the Dome myself. :thumb:
it looked that way on TV as well. one suggestion that needs to be made to the SEC is maybe rotating the SECCCG every year, once in an East venue, and another in a West venue. of course, this would require the Superdome to be operational, but having it in Georgia every year is stupid. Why not Jacksonville, or Adelphia Stadium, or the Dome? that is one thing the Big 12 does year in the North, usually Arrowhead, then one year in the South in Dallas or Houston. not an excuse for yesterday's performance, but an idea to improve the SECCCG
I have made that same suggestion. Play one year in Atlanta/Nashville/Jax, the other in New Orleans(of course before the hurricane)
The SECCG is fine staying in Atlanta. A team wont lose the CG because of another team having a few thousand more fans in the seats