This was from "Mike in LA" in another thread and it works for me: I was having the same problem. This forum probably just needs an update (if there is one) to make it secure and work with modern browsers. It might work in Firefox because I think it will automagically run it in a compatibility mode. If anyone else is having this issue and using Edge, just go into SETTINGS then DEFAULT BROWSER section... then under "Internet Explorer mode pages" add You will have to login again, but it should work normally after that.
LOL, I never even noticed but just confirmed http in duckduckgo which works for me in case yall are looking for interim solutions. FWIW, not much of whats being posted is classified but it does leave your creds unprotected.
My best guess? More than a dozen, I'm thinking it's 15 - 16 updates on XF 1.X.X. Support was discontinued for this version in December of 2019. I looked through different updates and there are at least 55 (includes about 15 beta releases)... and that's just through the kickoff of the 2020 season. That was XF1.5.X. Most of the time these run: 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4 ... To give you an idea, and it's rough, I ran my latest software update in August (another one in queue) of last year and I'm running 2.3.4. The new versions look the same at first glace but the options ... night and day. On a ICYMI note: On3 is running the same software.
Looks like I can post from my iPad but not from iPhone or my laptop. glad to be back in the land of the (barely) living…
It's been more than 10 years with Xenforo and Apple has consistently been an outlier to how things are supposed to work within the framework of this software. I tend to put in a warning when I push updates to Apple users they may not see what's changed. (I remain behind the opinion there's no reason to have an Apple product UNLESS you are in the AV business.)