Here, it's the cheap stuff. We don't have a gang problem though, at least not approaching the level of Florida.
Yea, they are getting quality stuff out here. Some neighborhoods I wont even go into, without something on me. But I tend to stay away from situations like that.
i dont get it. how does the fact that criminals have more powerful weapons make it beneficial for officers to have them? i think officers need more defensive equipment, but a criminal with a M16 or .357 dies with a bullet between the eyes just the same.
Our SRT guys carry the ump, and supervisors have shotguns. We can carry a backup weapon, but only a .40 and we gotta be qualified with it. Other than that, we have .40's, and that's all.
I don't like 40's; If I'm going bigger than nine, rather the .45 or .357. We can carry anything between .380 and .45, as long as it's normal calibers. Trying to shoot POST with a snub is a b!tch!